Bug 127745 - 'Focus Follows Mouse' doesn't set focus to Desktop, i.e. doesn't 'follow'
Summary: 'Focus Follows Mouse' doesn't set focus to Desktop, i.e. doesn't 'follow'
Alias: None
Product: kdesktop
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Ubuntu Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: David Faure
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Reported: 2006-05-21 10:03 UTC by munlinux
Modified: 2009-12-06 00:07 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description munlinux 2006-05-21 10:03:44 UTC
Version:            (using KDE KDE 3.4.3)
Installed from:    Ubuntu Packages

KDE Control Center - Peripherals - Mouse has the following option: "Automatically select icons".

It works in Konqueror, but not on Desktop.

Scenario: With KDE's single-click-to-execute -behaviour, you would want to rename a file on the desktop.
1. Ok, select it, but how?
- Left click - no go.
- Right click - opens up a menu. (On which the hotkeys don't work when the menu is open. I'll file a separate bug on this one.)
- Drag a square over the file - works, but is clumsy.
- Search the mouse configuration in KDE - "There's got to be a better way in here ### somewhere!" - Find "Automatically select icons" and choose it. - Try if it works.

So, this doesn't work on the desktop. Works in Konqueror, as stated.

2. When you have the file selected, press F2 to rename - what could be easier.

This bug is faintly related to KDE bug 73282.
Comment 1 munlinux 2006-05-21 10:24:31 UTC
With further diagnosis: The cause of this bug report is, that with "Focus Follows Mouse" AND "Focus Under Mouse", the Desktop _does not_ gain focus.

N.B.: Please change the title of this bug to "'Focus Follows Mouse' doesn't set focus to Desktop, i.e. doesn't 'follow'"

Only with "Focus Strictly Under Mouse" does also the Desktop gain focus.

Expected behaviour with "Focus Follows Mouse":
- Focus follows mouse where the user takes the cursor. Also to the desktop.
- Only when a popup or confirmation/menu or other newly-started program's window comes to the foreground, that window gains focus.
Comment 2 Martin Koller 2006-11-17 23:11:01 UTC
changed summary as requested by reporter
Comment 3 Yuriy Kozlov 2007-02-20 22:28:07 UTC
I can confirm that the desktop doesn't gain focus with focus follows mouse (you have to click).  However, selecting icons automatically still seems to work.  This is on Kubuntu Feisty with KDE 3.5.6.
Comment 4 munlinux 2007-02-21 11:34:05 UTC
I am sorry if I have left the issue unclear earlier. To clarify: the issue here is with "Focus follows mouse" only. _After_ you have selected the desktop (by clicking on it), automatically selecting icons works exactly as intended (like it works in e.g. Konqueror). This is why the summary of this bug was changed.
Comment 5 munlinux 2007-02-22 11:53:03 UTC
OK, here's an interesting experiment in three parts to demonstrate this (on KDE 3.5.5):

- Unselect the "automatically select icons" -option, press "apply", and close the control module.
- Create a couple new files on the desktop. (Probably not necessary, but I had none for the moment.)
- Re-open the mouse control module, but make sure you can see the desktop and some icons. Select the "automatically select icons" -option, and press "apply". (Close the module or don't, it doesn't matter.)
- _Now_ hover the mouse on the icons.

Result 1: the icons are _highlighted_, but _not shown as selected_.

- Now, click on the desktop.
- Hover over a window to activate it, then back on desktop.
- _Again_ hover the mouse on the icons.

Result 2: the icons on desktop are _shown_ as selected, but are _not really_ selected, because - as explained, F2 can't rename them etc. etc.

- Again click on the desktop, _do not_ move mouse on any window.
- For the _3rd_ time, hover the mouse on the icons.

Result 3: This time the icons are _really_ selected, and you can F2 them etc.

After a new login with the "automatically select icons" already set, parts 2 and 3 of the above are easily reproducible:
- You have to click on the desktop to take focus away from a window if a window has it.

A side-effect of focus behaviour after clicking away a context menu (see bug 142040) allows us to reproduce part 1 above:
- Right-click on desktop. (Brings up the context menu.)
- Move mouse on a window. Left-click, which should remove the context menu.
- Left-click on the window to set focus on the window.
- Move the mouse on the desktop and on the icons.

Result: The icons are highlighted but _not shown as selected_.
Comment 6 FiNeX 2009-12-06 00:07:56 UTC
All reports about KDesktop reported against KDE 3 has been closed because is no more developed and mantained. All bugs and wishes which could be interesting for KDE 4 has been collected into a specific list.

Please try the new KDE 4 before request new features and report bugs.

Before submitting new reports check carefully the already opened reports in order not to add duplicates.

Many thanks.