Version: 1.4-beta3 (using KDE 3.5.0, compiled sources) Compiler: gcc version 3.4.3 OS: Linux (i686) release The first letter of all words in 'guessed' fields is automatically capitalized. While some may find this feature desirable, I would really like it if the fields were read verbatim: perhaps 'captialize all words' could be an option on the dialog.
My preference would just be to use a slightly smarter title case, where words like "the," "at," "for," etc. are not capitalized (except if first), but everything else is capitalized as it is currently. For example: Radiohead's "A Punchup at a Wedding" is currently guessed as "A Punchup At A Wedding". Hugh, could you give an example of a track where you'd prefer it read the capitalization verbatim from the filename? Would it be acceptable to only guess the case if the filename is all lower case? I apologize if this derails your bug report, but I thought "suggestions to fix the capitalization of guessed titles" was specific enough to add my preference here even though it's not the same as yours.
For someone whose filenames already have the desired capitalisation, ANY behaviour that changes the capitalisation is unwanted. That this behhaviour cannot be switched off makes the guessing feature unusable to me. So to directly answer your question Andy, I'd like capitalisation to be read directly from all filenames without modification. I think your suggestion may be a good one - one way to reconcile our ideas would be to have an automatic capitalisation option that acts as you described, but that may be disabled in an option dialogue.
*** Bug 139433 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This is a bug. As I have already stated in my comment to the duplicate bug 139433, capitalization is language-specific (and taste-specific as well, in some languages). For example in Polish language it is _incorrect_ to capitalize every word in the title. This behaviour should be configurable, and preferably on a per-case basis (or maybe better, with an easy access to this configuration from the tag editor, perhaps a wrench icon near the tag guesser button or something). At the very least user should have the possibility to turn it off (to read the titles verbatim).
I don't know if this bug/thread is still relevant for 1.4.5, or will be for 2.0, but wrote a patch (against SVN) that adds this functionality, inspired by Tag&Rename. Se the attached screen shot for features. By adding words to the ignore list you prevent them from being affected by the case policy, and they are left verbatim, except for the first words which is affected even if it's in the ignore list.
Created attachment 19774 [details] screen shot of new dialog
Created attachment 19775 [details] svn diff Please give feedback on anything from functionality to coding style. I want to learn :)
In some languages it's incorrect to capitalize (almost) any other word than the first one.
Oh, I just had a look at the screenshot. Looks fine to me.
Though the 'UPPER' and 'lower' settings seem unnecessary.
True, the upper and lower settings are just for completeness.
True, I understand that. But still, code-wise it's pure bloat, and usability-wise it's a bug (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, IANAUE).
Code-wize it's a two-liner, and for all i know there might be some people who find lower/upper case all the rage, but I agree :) it's probably just cluttering up the dialog. I'll submit a patch without them.
I know it's a two-liner, but you know how it goes... two lines here, two lines there, and suddenly you have two thousand extra lines of code, and someone has to maintain them. And those who find all-lower-case tags all the rage are more than welcome to use amazing amarok plugin infrastructure ;] Thanks for taking my point, anyway :)
It's a wish, really.
I do insist that it is a bug, as per comment #4.
You can insist how much you want: fact is, the current behavior was intended. Hence it's not a bug. Any extension would be a new feature (adding new options is *always* a new feature). Also, due to being a feature and requiring new strings, it cannot be added to the stable branch. It would have to wait for 2.0.
But it is an internationalization bug, current behaviour is wrong in many languages, no matter how much intended it was. I do agree that adding much configurability (as in the case of proposed dialog) would be a feature and constitutes a wish; that said, forcing case change is a bug. If you're concerned about strings, then please consider either adding a config-file-only option to turn the case changer off or removing it altogether, at least until further configurability and UI can be added.
Also, please consider reopening bug #139433, which deals specifically with this internationalization issue.
#5 has diligently written an excellent patch - can't you just apply it? It would save discussing whether this is a bug or wish.
Definitely, this is a *bug*... you shoud consider the "verbatim" filename as is. As a wish, you *may* consider to add an option to change the letter, all Uppercase, capitalized or whathever you want
re #20: Unfortunately we can't add the patch to the stable branch because it adds new strings. Stable branch is feature frozen and string frozen. We could add it to 2.0, but it will probably need some porting. re #21: A bug is defined by a feature working differently from what the author had intended. This is not the case here.
Thank you for taking the time to report this bug for Amarok. Amarok 1.4 is now unmaintained and will no longer see any improvements. Because of this, and the massive amount of changes Amarok has undergone throughout the 2.x series of releases, we are closing bugs that no longer apply to the 2.x series due to changes in functionality, the underlying architecture, or a conflict for the vision of Amarok 2. We appreciate the time you took to provide feedback about Amarok 1.4 and will look forward to any feedback you may provided about Amarok 2. Thanks.