Version: 0.9 SVN (using KDE KDE 3.5.2) Installed from: Ubuntu Packages Compiler: gcc 4.0.2 prerelease OS: Linux When ICM is turned on, various defaults are picked by digiKam. The user can then pick their own settings, and save them. If the user then disables ICM, and re-enables it, any customised settings are lost. It would be more appropriate to amend the Configuration dialog with a 'Reset to Defaults' button, allowing the user to choose whether defaults should be set or not. With Reset in place (called Defaults in most other digiKam/showfoto dialogs), the configuration dialog can then stop resetting the options every time ICM is turned off and back on.
Yes, i have seen this problem since i have re-written some parts of ICC setup page. I will fix it. Gilles Caulier
Update to last svn version to get this bug fixed. If something doesn't work as you expect, please, feel free to reopen it. Paco