Bug 124685 - konsole generates a signal 11 error after exiting when using xrandr
Summary: konsole generates a signal 11 error after exiting when using xrandr
Alias: None
Product: konsole
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Fedora RPMs Linux
: NOR crash
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konsole Developer
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-04-01 05:15 UTC by TXM
Modified: 2007-07-19 19:34 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
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Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description TXM 2006-04-01 05:15:44 UTC
Version:            (using KDE KDE 3.5.1)
Installed from:    Fedora RPMs
OS:                Linux

When using xrandr to change the screen resolution, running an app, then switching back to the original, exiting the konsole generates a signal 11 error.  This also occured in the KDE release that came with Fedora Core 4.  Although this actually generates a crash, it is not as severe as it sounds as it only happens upon 'exit' of the konsole.  This is a standard installation of FC5 with all the libraries updated standard from the built in software updater.  However, given it occurred in FC4 as well it may exist in other versions/distros.

1. Open Konsole
2. xrandr -s 800x600
3. Run a full screen app (consistently tested with Majesty Gold) then exit.
4. xrandr -s 2560x1024 (At this point the konsole window is stretched out across the entire screen for some reason)
5. type 'exit' - crash occurs.

AMD64 3200+
GeForce FX 5700
Fedora Core 5 x86_64
NVidia drivers using Twinview

(no debugging symbols found)
Using host libthread_db library "/lib64/libthread_db.so.1".
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[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
[New Thread 46912527968528 (LWP 5571)]
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[KCrash handler]
#5  0x00002aaaab76280e in QDesktopWidgetPrivate::~QDesktopWidgetPrivate ()
   from /usr/lib64/qt-3.3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#6  0x00002aaaab76289d in QDesktopWidget::~QDesktopWidget$delete ()
   from /usr/lib64/qt-3.3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#7  0x00002aaaab7b7842 in QApplication::~QApplication$base ()
   from /usr/lib64/qt-3.3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#8  0x00002aaaaffb3e79 in kdemain () from /usr/lib64/libkdeinit_konsole.so
#9  0x00000000004074a1 in ?? ()
#10 0x0000000000407c70 in ?? ()
#11 0x0000000000408175 in ?? ()
#12 0x000000000040891a in ?? ()
#13 0x000000355d61d084 in __libc_start_main () from /lib64/libc.so.6
#14 0x0000000000404969 in ?? ()
#15 0x00007fffffc45508 in ?? ()
#16 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
Comment 1 Kurt Hindenburg 2006-05-02 19:43:53 UTC
I can't get Konsole to crash here with KDE 3.5.2/3.

1. xrandr -s 800x600
2. xrandr -s 1280x1024  # my normal dim

After 2, konsole takes up the full screen; this is likely a bug but I'm not sure if Konsole or perhaps kwin.

Not sure about your #3... I tried kmail at full screen...
Comment 2 TXM 2006-05-03 22:34:13 UTC
There are two differences between my steps and yours.
1) As specified I'm using TwinView.  This could perhaps be affecting it.
2) I'm launching a full-screen app.  Not a full Window app.  Neither KMail or Konsole have a full-screen mode as far as I know.

This has become less of an issue.  In FC4 I had to do this switching in order to get my full screen apps loading correctly; however, in FC5 the screen resolution appears to change automatically to the resolution the app tries to run in.  I don't know exactly what KDE this changed in, but at least I'm not *seeing* the error anymore.  It does exist if I repeat the steps I originally stated though.

And yes, the stretching of the Konsole app window is "odd" behaviour, but not part of the crash that I've been getting.
Comment 3 Robert Knight 2006-12-26 19:26:22 UTC
Does it make a difference what state the Konsole window is in when you follow the steps given in the initial report? (eg.  Maximized, unmaximized, small window, large window)
Comment 4 Robert Knight 2007-07-19 19:34:27 UTC
I am not able to reproduce here and there hasn't been a reply to my last request.  Please re-open if you still have problems with recent Konsole versions.