Bug 124193 - Can't find variable: XSLTProcessor
Summary: Can't find variable: XSLTProcessor
Alias: None
Product: konqueror
Classification: Applications
Component: khtml ecma (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: unspecified Linux
: LO normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konqueror Developers
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Reported: 2006-03-24 16:49 UTC by SS
Modified: 2024-05-06 20:51 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description SS 2006-03-24 16:49:04 UTC
Version:           3.5.1 (using KDE 3.5.1 Level "a" , SUSE 10.0 UNSUPPORTED)
Compiler:          Target: i586-suse-linux
OS:                Linux (i686) release 2.6.13-15-default

error in JavaScript when using KUPU editor as part of http://lenya.apache.org:

http://gritsuk:8080/lenya/kupu/common/sarissa.js: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: XSLTProcessor

listing of js file:

 * Sarissa XML library version 0.9.3
 * Copyright (c) 2003 Manos Batsis, mailto: mbatsis@netsmart.gr
 * This software is distributed under the Kupu License. See
 * LICENSE.txt for license text. See the Sarissa homepage at
 * http://sarissa.sourceforge.net for more information.

// $Id: sarissa.js 6908 2004-10-11 19:50:17Z paul $

 * <p>
 * Sarissa is a utility class. Provides factory methods for DOMDocument and XMLHTTP objects between other goodies.
 * </p>
 * @constructor
function Sarissa(){}
Sarissa.IS_ENABLED_XMLHTTP = false;
Sarissa.IS_ENABLED_XSLTPROC = false;
//	 some basic browser detection TODO: change this
var _SARISSA_IS_IE = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") > -1)?true:false;
var _SARISSA_IS_MOZ = (document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument)?true:false;
var _sarissa_iNsCounter = 0;
	if(XSLTProcessor && XSLTProcessor.prototype){
			Sarissa.IS_ENABLED_XSLTPROC = true;
	if(XMLHttpRequest && XMLHttpRequest.prototype){
		Sarissa.IS_ENABLED_XMLHTTP = true;
	if(document.implementation.hasFeature && document.implementation.hasFeature("XPath", "3.0")){
	 * <p>Factory method to obtain a new DOM Document object</p>	 
	 * @argument sUri the namespace of the root node (if any)
	 * @argument sUri the local name of the root node (if any)
	 * @returns a new DOM Document
	Sarissa.getDomDocument = function(sUri, sName){
		var oDoc = document.implementation.createDocument(sUri, sName, null);
		oDoc.addEventListener("load", _sarissa_XMLDocument_onload, false);
		return oDoc;
	 * <p>Factory method to obtain a new XMLHTTP Request object</p>
	 * @returns a new XMLHTTP Request object
	Sarissa.getXmlHttpRequest = function()	{
		return new XMLHttpRequest();
	 * <p>Attached by an event handler to the load event. Internal use.</p>
	 * @private
	function _sarissa_XMLDocument_onload(){
	 * <p>Ensures the document was loaded correctly, otherwise sets the
	 * parseError to -1 to indicate something went wrong. Internal use</p>
	 * @private
	function _sarissa_loadHandler(oDoc){
		if (!oDoc.documentElement || oDoc.documentElement.tagName == "parsererror")
			oDoc.parseError = -1;
		_sarissa_setReadyState(oDoc, 4);
	 * <p>Sets the readyState property of the given DOM Document object.
	 * Internal use.</p>
	 * @private 
	 * @argument oDoc the DOM Document object to fire the
	 *          readystatechange event
	 * @argument iReadyState the number to change the readystate property to
	function _sarissa_setReadyState(oDoc, iReadyState){
		oDoc.readyState = iReadyState;
		if (oDoc.onreadystatechange != null && typeof oDoc.onreadystatechange == "function")
	 * <p>Deletes all child Nodes of the Document. Internal use</p>
	 * @private
	XMLDocument.prototype._sarissa_clearDOM = function(){
	 * <p>Replaces the childNodes of the Document object with the childNodes of
	 * the object given as the parameter</p>
	 * @private 
	 * @argument oDoc the Document to copy the childNodes from
	XMLDocument.prototype._sarissa_copyDOM = function(oDoc){
		if(oDoc.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE || oDoc.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE)
			var oNodes = oDoc.childNodes;
			for(var i=0;i<oNodes.length;i++)
				this.appendChild(this.importNode(oNodes[i], true));
		else if(oDoc.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
			this.appendChild(this.importNode(oDoc, true));
	// used to normalise text nodes (for IE's innerText emulation)
	// i'd appreciate any ideas, regexp is not my strong point
	var _SARISSA_WSMULT = new RegExp("^\\s*|\\s*$", "g");
	var _SARISSA_WSENDS = new RegExp("\\s\\s+", "g");
	 * <p>Used to "normalize" text (trim white space mostly). Internal use</p>
	 * @private
	function _sarissa_normalizeText(sIn){
		return sIn.replace(_SARISSA_WSENDS, " ").replace(_SARISSA_WSMULT, " ");
	 * <p>Parses the String given as parameter to build the document content
	 * for the object, exactly like IE's loadXML()</p>
	 * @argument strXML The XML String to load as the Document's childNodes
	 * @returns the old Document structure serialized as an XML String
	XMLDocument.prototype.loadXML = function(strXML){
		_sarissa_setReadyState(this, 1);
		var sOldXML = this.xml;
		var oDoc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(strXML, "text/xml");
		_sarissa_setReadyState(this, 2);
		_sarissa_setReadyState(this, 3);
		return sOldXML;
	 * <p>Emulates IE's xml property, giving read-only access to the XML tree
	 * in it's serialized form (in other words, an XML string)</p>
	 * @uses Mozilla's XMLSerializer class.
	XMLDocument.prototype.__defineGetter__("xml", function (){
		return (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(this);
	 * <p>Emulates IE's xml property, giving read-only access to the XML tree
	 * in it's serialized form (in other words, an XML string)</p>
	 * @uses Mozilla's XMLSerializer class.
	Node.prototype.__defineGetter__("xml", function (){
		return (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(this);
	 * <p>Ensures and informs the xml property is read only</p>
	 * @throws an &quot;Invalid assignment on read-only property&quot; error.
	XMLDocument.prototype.__defineSetter__("xml", function (){
		throw "Invalid assignment on read-only property 'xml'. Hint: Use the 'loadXML(String xml)' method instead. (original exception: "+e+")";
	 * <p>Emulates IE's innerText (read/write). Note that this removes all
	 * childNodes of an HTML Element and just replaces it with a textNode</p>
	HTMLElement.prototype.__defineSetter__("innerText", function (sText){
		var s = "" + sText;
		this.innerHTML = s.replace(/\&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
	HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__("innerText", function (){
		var s = this.innerHTML;
		return s ? _sarissa_normalizeText( s.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, "")) : "";
	 * <p>Emulate IE's onreadystatechange attribute</p>
	Document.prototype.onreadystatechange = null;
	 * <p>Emulate IE's parseError attribute</p>
	Document.prototype.parseError = 0;
	 * <p>Emulates IE's readyState property, which always gives an integer from 0 to 4:</p>
	 * <ul><li>1 == LOADING,</li>
	 * <li>2 == LOADED,</li>
	 * <li>3 == INTERACTIVE,</li>
	 * <li>4 == COMPLETED</li></ul>
	XMLDocument.prototype.readyState = 0;
	// NOTE: setting async to false will only work with documents
	// called over HTTP (meaning a server), not the local file system,
	// unless you are using Moz 1.4+.
	// BTW the try>catch block is for 1.4; I haven't found a way to check if
	// the property is implemented without
	// causing an error and I dont want to use user agent stuff for that...
		 * <p>Emulates IE's async property for Moz versions prior to 1.4.
		 * It controls whether loading of remote XML files works
		 * synchronously or asynchronously.</p>
		XMLDocument.prototype.async = true;
	}catch(e){/* trap */}
	 * <p>Keeps a handle to the original load() method. Internal use and only
	 * if Mozilla version is lower than 1.4</p>
	 * @private
	XMLDocument.prototype._sarissa_load = XMLDocument.prototype.load;
	 * <p>Overrides the original load method to provide synchronous loading for
	 * Mozilla versions prior to 1.4, using an XMLHttpRequest object (if
	 * async is set to false)</p>
	 * @returns the DOM Object as it was before the load() call (may be  empty)
	XMLDocument.prototype.load = function(sURI){
		var oDoc = document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null);
		this.parseError = 0;
		_sarissa_setReadyState(this, 1);
			if(this.async == false && _SARISSA_SYNC_NON_IMPLEMENTED){
				var tmp = new XMLHttpRequest();
				tmp.open("GET", sURI, false);
				_sarissa_setReadyState(this, 2);
				_sarissa_setReadyState(this, 3);
		}catch (objException)	{
			this.parseError = -1;
			if(this.async == false)
		return oDoc;
	 * <p>Extends the Element class to emulate IE's transformNodeToObject.
	 * <b>Note </b>: The transformation result <i>must </i> be well formed,
	 * otherwise an error will be thrown</p>
	 * @uses Mozilla's XSLTProcessor
	 * @deprecated
	 * @argument xslDoc The stylesheet to use (a DOM Document instance)
	 * @argument oResult The Document to store the transformation result
	Element.prototype.transformNodeToObject = function(xslDoc, oResult){
		var oDoc = document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null);
		oDoc.transformNodeToObject(xslDoc, oResult);
	 * <p>Extends the Document class to emulate IE's transformNodeToObject</p>
	 * @uses Mozilla's XSLTProcessor
	 * @deprecated
	 * @argument xslDoc The stylesheet to use (a DOM Document instance)
	 * @argument oResult The Document to store the transformation result
	 * @throws Errors that try to be informative
	Document.prototype.transformNodeToObject = function(xslDoc, oResult){
		var xsltProcessor = null;
			xsltProcessor = new XSLTProcessor();
				/* new nsIXSLTProcessor is available */
				var newFragment = xsltProcessor.transformToFragment(this, oResult);
				/* only nsIXSLTProcessorObsolete is available */
				xsltProcessor.transformDocument(this, xslDoc, oResult, null);
			if(xslDoc && oResult)
				throw "Failed to transform document. (original exception: "+e+")";
			else if(!xslDoc)
				throw "No Stylesheet Document was provided. (original exception: "+e+")";
			else if(!oResult)
				throw "No Result Document was provided. (original exception: "+e+")";
			else if(xsltProcessor == null)
				throw "Could not instantiate an XSLTProcessor object. (original exception: "+e+")";
				throw e;
	 * <p>Extends the Element class to emulate IE's transformNode. </p>
	 * <p><b>Note </b>: The result of your transformation must be well formed,
	 * otherwise you will get an error</p>
	 * @uses Mozilla's XSLTProcessor
	 * @deprecated
	 * @argument xslDoc The stylesheet to use (a DOM Document instance)
	 * @returns the result of the transformation serialized to an XML String
	Element.prototype.transformNode = function(xslDoc){
		var oDoc = document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null);
		return oDoc.transformNode(xslDoc);
	 * <p>Extends the Document class to emulate IE's transformNode.</p>
	 * <p><b>Note </b>: The result of your transformation must be well formed,
	 * otherwise you will get an error</p>
	 * @uses Mozilla's XSLTProcessor
	 * @deprecated
	 * @argument xslDoc The stylesheet to use (a DOM Document instance)
	 * @returns the result of the transformation serialized to an XML String
	Document.prototype.transformNode = function(xslDoc){
		var out = document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null);
		this.transformNodeToObject(xslDoc, out);
		var str = null;
			var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
			str = serializer.serializeToString(out);
			throw "Failed to serialize result document. (original exception: "+e+")";
		return str;
	 * <p>SarissaNodeList behaves as a NodeList but is only used as a result to <code>selectNodes</code>, 
	 * so it also has some properties IEs proprietery object features.</p>
	 * @private
	 * @constructor
	 * @argument i the (initial) list size
	 function SarissaNodeList(i){
	 	this.length = i;
	 /** <p>Set an Array as the prototype object</p> */
	 SarissaNodeList.prototype = new Array(0);
	 /** <p>Inherit the Array constructor </p> */
	 SarissaNodeList.prototype.constructor = Array;
	 * <p>Returns the node at the specified index or null if the given index 
	 * is greater than the list size or less than zero </p>
	 * <p><b>Note</b> that in ECMAScript you can also use the square-bracket 
	 * array notation instead of calling <code>item</code>
	 * @argument i the index of the member to return
	 * @returns the member corresponding to the given index
	 SarissaNodeList.prototype.item = function(i) {
	 	return (i < 0 || i >= this.length)?null:this[i];
	 * <p>Emulate IE's expr property
	 * (Here the SarissaNodeList object is given as the result of selectNodes).</p>
	 * @returns the XPath expression passed to selectNodes that resulted in
	 *          this SarissaNodeList
	SarissaNodeList.prototype.expr = "";
	/** dummy, used to accept IE's stuff without throwing errors */
	XMLDocument.prototype.setProperty  = function(x,y){};
	 * <p>Programmatically control namespace URI/prefix mappings for XPath
	 * queries.</p>
	 * <p>This method comes especially handy when used to apply XPath queries
	 * on XML documents with a default namespace, as there is no other way
	 * of mapping that to a prefix.</p>
	 * <p>Using no namespace prefix in DOM Level 3 XPath queries, implies you
	 * are looking for elements in the null namespace. If you need to look
	 * for nodes in the default namespace, you need to map a prefix to it
	 * first like:</p>
	 * <pre>Sarissa.setXpathNamespaces(oDoc, &quot;xmlns:myprefix=&amp;aposhttp://mynsURI&amp;apos&quot;);</pre>
	 * <p><b>Note 1 </b>: Use this method only if the source document features
	 * a default namespace (without a prefix). You will need to map that
	 * namespace to a prefix for queries to work.</p>
	 * <p><b>Note 2 </b>: This method calls IE's setProperty method to set the
	 * appropriate namespace-prefix mappings, so you dont have to do that.</p>
	 * @param oDoc The target XMLDocument to set the namespace mappings for.
	 * @param sNsSet A whilespace-seperated list of namespace declarations as
	 *            those would appear in an XML document. E.g.:
	 *            <code>&quot;xmlns:xhtml=&apos;http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml&apos; 
	 * xmlns:&apos;http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform&apos;&quot;</code>
	 * @throws An error if the format of the given namespace declarations is bad.
	Sarissa.setXpathNamespaces = function(oDoc, sNsSet)	{
		oDoc._sarissa_useCustomResolver = true;
		var namespaces = sNsSet.indexOf(" ")>-1?sNsSet.split(" "):new Array(sNsSet);
		oDoc._sarissa_xpathNamespaces = new Array(namespaces.length);
		for(var i=0;i < namespaces.length;i++){
			var ns = namespaces[i];
			var colonPos = ns.indexOf(":");
			var assignPos = ns.indexOf("=");
			if(colonPos == 5 && assignPos > colonPos+2){
				var prefix = ns.substring(colonPos+1, assignPos);
				var uri = ns.substring(assignPos+2, ns.length-1);
				oDoc._sarissa_xpathNamespaces[prefix] = uri;
				throw "Bad format on namespace declaration(s) given";
	 * @private Flag to control whether a custom namespace resolver should
	 *          be used, set to true by Sarissa.setXpathNamespaces
	XMLDocument.prototype._sarissa_useCustomResolver = false;
	XMLDocument.prototype._sarissa_xpathNamespaces = new Array();
	 * <p>Extends the XMLDocument to emulate IE's selectNodes.</p>
	 * @argument sExpr the XPath expression to use
	 * @argument contextNode this is for internal use only by the same
	 *           method when called on Elements
	 * @returns the result of the XPath search as a SarissaNodeList 
	 * @throws An error if no namespace URI is found for the given prefix.
	XMLDocument.prototype.selectNodes = function(sExpr, contextNode){
		var nsDoc = this;
		var nsresolver = this._sarissa_useCustomResolver
		? function(prefix){
			var s = nsDoc._sarissa_xpathNamespaces[prefix];
			if(s)return s;
			else throw "No namespace URI found for prefix: '" + prefix+"'";
		: this.createNSResolver(this.documentElement);
			var oResult = this.evaluate(sExpr, 
					XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);	
		var nodeList = new SarissaNodeList(oResult.snapshotLength);
		nodeList.expr = sExpr;
		for(var i=0;i<nodeList.length;i++)
			nodeList[i] = oResult.snapshotItem(i);
		return nodeList;
	 * <p>Extends the Element to emulate IE's selectNodes</p>
	 * @argument sExpr the XPath expression to use
	 * @returns the result of the XPath search as an (Sarissa)NodeList
	 * @throws An
	 *             error if invoked on an HTML Element as this is only be
	 *             available to XML Elements.
	Element.prototype.selectNodes = function(sExpr){
		var doc = this.ownerDocument;
			return doc.selectNodes(sExpr, this);
			throw "Method selectNodes is only supported by XML Elements";
	 * <p>Extends the XMLDocument to emulate IE's selectSingleNodes.</p>
	 * @argument sExpr the XPath expression to use
	 * @argument contextNode this is for internal use only by the same
	 *           method when called on Elements
	 * @returns the result of the XPath search as an (Sarissa)NodeList
	XMLDocument.prototype.selectSingleNode = function(sExpr, contextNode){
		var ctx = contextNode?contextNode:null;
		sExpr += "[1]";
		var nodeList = this.selectNodes(sExpr, ctx);
		if(nodeList.length > 0)
			return nodeList.item(0);
			return null;
	 * <p>Extends the Element to emulate IE's selectNodes.</p>
	 * @argument sExpr the XPath expression to use
	 * @returns the result of the XPath search as an (Sarissa)NodeList
	 * @throws An error if invoked on an HTML Element as this is only be
	 *             available to XML Elements.
	Element.prototype.selectSingleNode = function(sExpr){
		var doc = this.ownerDocument;
			return doc.selectSingleNode(sExpr, this);
			throw "Method selectNodes is only supported by XML Elements";
	 * <p>Returns a human readable description of the parsing error. Usefull
	 * for debugging. Tip: append the returned error string in a &lt;pre&gt;
	 * element if you want to render it.</p>
	 * <p>Many thanks to Christian Stocker for the reminder and code.</p>
	 * @argument oDoc The target DOM document
	 * @returns The parsing error description of the target Document in
	 *          human readable form (preformated text)
	Sarissa.getParseErrorText = function (oDoc){
		if (oDoc.documentElement.tagName == "parsererror"){
			var parseErrorText = oDoc.documentElement.firstChild.data;
			parseErrorText += "\n" +  oDoc.documentElement.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.data;
			return parseErrorText;
}else if (_SARISSA_IS_IE){
	// Add NodeType constants; missing in IE4, 5 and 6
	// implement importNode for IE
		 * Implements importNode for IE using innerHTML. Main purpose it to
		 * be able to append Nodes from XMLDocuments to the current page in
		 * IE.
		 * @param oNode
		 *            the Node to import
		 * @param bChildren
		 *            whether to include the children of oNode
		 * @returns the imported node for further use
		document.importNode = function(oNode, bChildren){
			var importNode = document.createElement("div");
				importNode.innerHTML = oNode.xml;
				importNode.innerHTML = oNode.cloneNode(false).xml;
			return importNode.firstChild;
	// for XSLT parameter names, prefix needed by IE
	// used to store the most recent ProgID available out of the above
	 * Called when the Sarissa_xx.js file is parsed, to pick most recent
	 * ProgIDs for IE, then gets destroyed.
	 * @param idList an array of MSXML PROGIDs from which the most recent will be picked for a given object
	 * @param enabledList an array of arrays where each array has two items; the index of the PROGID for which a certain feature is enabled
	function pickRecentProgID(idList, enabledList){
		// found progID flag
		var bFound = false;
		for(var i=0; i < idList.length && !bFound; i++){
				var oDoc = new ActiveXObject(idList[i]);
				o2Store = idList[i];
				bFound = true;
				for(var j=0;j<enabledList.length;j++)
					if(i <= enabledList[j][1])
						Sarissa["IS_ENABLED_"+enabledList[j][0]] = true;
			}catch (objException){
				// trap; try next progID
		if (!bFound)
			throw "Could not retreive a valid progID of Class: " + idList[idList.length-1]+". (original exception: "+e+")";
		idList = null;
		return o2Store;
	// store proper progIDs
	_SARISSA_DOM_PROGID = pickRecentProgID(["Msxml2.DOMDocument.5.0", "Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0", "Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0", "MSXML2.DOMDocument", "MSXML.DOMDocument", "Microsoft.XMLDOM"], [["SELECT_NODES", 2],["TRANSFORM_NODE", 2]]);
	_SARISSA_XMLHTTP_PROGID = pickRecentProgID(["Msxml2.XMLHTTP.5.0", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP"], [["XMLHTTP", 4]]);
	_SARISSA_THREADEDDOM_PROGID = pickRecentProgID(["Msxml2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument.5.0", "MSXML2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument.4.0", "MSXML2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument.3.0"]);
	_SARISSA_XSLTEMPLATE_PROGID = pickRecentProgID(["Msxml2.XSLTemplate.5.0", "Msxml2.XSLTemplate.4.0", "MSXML2.XSLTemplate.3.0"], [["XSLTPROC", 2]]);
	// we dont need this anymore
	pickRecentProgID = null;
	// Factory methods (IE)
	// see mozilla version
	Sarissa.getDomDocument = function(sUri, sName){
		var oDoc = new ActiveXObject(_SARISSA_DOM_PROGID);
		// if a root tag name was provided, we need to load it in the DOM
		// object
		if (sName){
			// if needed, create an artifical namespace prefix the way Moz
			// does
			if (sUri){
				oDoc.loadXML("<a" + _sarissa_iNsCounter + ":" + sName + " xmlns:a" + _sarissa_iNsCounter + "=\"" + sUri + "\" />");
				// don't use the same prefix again
				oDoc.loadXML("<" + sName + "/>");
		return oDoc;
	// see mozilla version
	Sarissa.getXmlHttpRequest = function()	{
		return new ActiveXObject(_SARISSA_XMLHTTP_PROGID);
	// see mozilla version
	Sarissa.getParseErrorText = function (oDoc) {
		var parseErrorText = "XML Parsing Error: " + oDoc.parseError.reason +" \n";
		parseErrorText += "Location: " + oDoc.parseError.url + "\n";
		parseErrorText += "Line Number " + oDoc.parseError.line ;
		parseErrorText += ", Column " + oDoc.parseError.linepos + ":\n";
		parseErrorText += oDoc.parseError.srcText + "\n";
		for(var i = 0;  i < oDoc.parseError.linepos;i++)
			parseErrorText += "-";
		parseErrorText +=  "^\n";
		return parseErrorText;
	// see mozilla version
	Sarissa.setXpathNamespaces = function(oDoc, sNsSet)	{
		oDoc.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath");
		oDoc.setProperty("SelectionNamespaces", sNsSet);
	 * Basic implementation of Mozilla's XSLTProcessor for IE. 
	 * Reuses the same XSLT stylesheet for multiple transforms
	 * @constructor
	function XSLTProcessor(){
		this.template = new ActiveXObject(_SARISSA_XSLTEMPLATE_PROGID);
		this.processor = null;
	 * Impoprts the given XSLT DOM and compiles it to a reusable transform
	 * @argument xslDoc The XSLT DOMDocument to import
	XSLTProcessor.prototype.importStylesheet = function(xslDoc){
		// convert stylesheet to free threaded
		var converted = new ActiveXObject(_SARISSA_THREADEDDOM_PROGID); 
		this.template.stylesheet = converted;
		this.processor = this.template.createProcessor();
		// (re)set default param values
		this.paramsSet = new Array();
	 * Transform the given XML DOM
	 * @argument sourceDoc The XML DOMDocument to transform
	 * @return The transformation result as a DOM Document
	XSLTProcessor.prototype.transformToDocument = function(sourceDoc)	{
		this.processor.input = sourceDoc;
		var outDoc = new ActiveXObject(_SARISSA_DOM_PROGID);
		this.processor.output = outDoc; 
		return outDoc;
	 * Set global XSLT parameter of the imported stylesheet
	 * @argument nsURI The parameter namespace URI
	 * @argument name The parameter base name
	 * @argument value The new parameter value
	XSLTProcessor.prototype.setParameter = function(nsURI, name, value){
		// nsURI is optional and cannot be null
			this.processor.addParameter(name, value, nsURI);
			this.processor.addParameter(name, value);
		// update updated params for getParameter
			this.paramsSet[""+nsURI] = new Array();
		this.paramsSet[""+nsURI][name] = value;
	 * Gets a parameter if previously set by setParameter. Returns null
	 * otherwise
	 * @argument name The parameter base name
	 * @argument value The new parameter value
	 * @return The parameter value if reviously set by setParameter, null otherwise
	XSLTProcessor.prototype.getParameter = function(nsURI, name){
		if(this.paramsSet[""+nsURI] && this.paramsSet[""+nsURI][name])
			return this.paramsSet[""+nsURI][name];
			return null;

 * <p>
 * Factory method, used to set xslt parameters.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <b>Note </b> that this method can only work for the main stylesheet and
 * not any included/imported files.
 * </p>
 * @deprecated
 * @argument oXslDoc the target XSLT DOM Document
 * @argument sParamName the name of the XSLT parameter
 * @argument sParamValue the value of the XSLT parameter
 * @returns whether the parameter was set succefully
Sarissa.setXslParameter = function(oXslDoc, sParamQName, sParamValue){
		var params = oXslDoc.getElementsByTagName(_SARISSA_IEPREFIX4XSLPARAM+"param");
		var iLength = params.length;
		var bFound = false;
		var param;
			for(var i=0; i < iLength && !bFound;i++){
				// match a param name attribute with the name given as
				// argument
				if(params[i].getAttribute("name") == sParamQName){
						param = params[i];
					// clean up the parameter
					if(!sParamValue || sParamValue == null){
						// do nothing; we've cleaned up the parameter anyway
					}else if(typeof sParamValue == "string"){ 
						param.setAttribute("select", sParamValue);
						bFound = true;
					}else if(sParamValue.nodeName){
						bFound = true;
					}else if (sParamValue.item(0) && sParamValue.item(0).nodeType){
						for(var j=0;j < sParamValue.length;j++)
							if(sParamValue.item(j).nodeType) // check if this is a Node
						bFound = true;
						throw "Failed to set xsl:param "+sParamQName+" (original exception: "+e+")";
		return bFound;
		throw e;
		return false;
//	 EOF
Comment 1 Thiago Macieira 2006-04-01 22:40:46 UTC
Last I heard, we didn't support XSLT in Konqueror at all.
Comment 2 James Spahlinger 2008-04-19 21:26:14 UTC
Do we have a change in status? Should this be closed? Is XSLT being worked on? If konqueror does not plan on supporting XLST, then there is no point in doing a test case as far as I can tell.
Comment 3 Maksim Orlovich 2008-04-19 21:40:56 UTC
It's a low-priority item but not a WONTFIX. 
Comment 4 Christoph Cullmann 2024-05-06 20:51:20 UTC
Dear user,

KHTML (and KJS) was a long time more or less unmaintained and got removed in KF6.

Please migrate to use a QWebEngine based HTML component.

We will do no further fixes or improvements to the KF5 branches of these components beside important security fixes.

For security issues, please see:


Sorry that we did not fix this issue during the life-time of KHTML.

Christoph Cullmann