Bug 123346 - Dock icons not themeable
Summary: Dock icons not themeable
Alias: None
Product: krdc
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Urs Wolfer
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Reported: 2006-03-09 18:26 UTC by Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
Modified: 2007-07-23 22:52 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen 2006-03-09 18:26:10 UTC
Version:           unknown (using KDE 3.5.1-1ark, Ark Linux - H2O)
Compiler:          Target: i586-ark-linux
OS:                Linux (i686) release 2.6.16-0.rc2.1ark

The tray icon is not themable using an icon theme, because the program pulls a picture from $prefix/share/krdc/pics. I am listing this as a bug, as it (often severely) breaks consistency in the desktop when one icon does not fit the others in the system dock. Putting these icons (with reasonable names, such as <appname>_<actionname>.* (seeing as they would be application specific (if they are not specific they should be <actionname>.* of course))) into $prefix/share/icons/<iconset>/actions would seem more appropriate, as this would allow for easier theming.
Comment 1 Jaison Lee 2006-03-09 18:33:23 UTC
FYI: KRDC has been unmaintained for some time, and its continued existence is at this point very uncertain. 
Comment 2 Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen 2006-03-09 18:36:31 UTC
This is sort of a canned response *giggles* it's a small pet peeve of mine with these icons you see - i'm the creator of the Reinhardt icon set, and the very colourful and cartooney icons in CrystalSVG and friends stick out like a very sore thumb on a desktop using Reinhardt (or Flat for that matter), so... But thanks :)
Comment 3 Urs Wolfer 2007-07-23 22:52:24 UTC
SVN commit 691520 by uwolfer:

Move the almost rewritten KRDC (Google Summer of Code project) back to trunk.

Discussed on release team mailing list.

The following issues are resolved with the new version. More issues should be resolved too, but they need some more review. If you have again a problem, please open a new bug report.

#49970: Fullscreen doesn't work with xinerama
#59026: Synchronize KRDC with LibVNCClient
#69635: Full screen mode changes X resolution, but does not recenter window
#69636: closing KRDC while in full screen mode does not restore the screen
#74767: redraw problems with krdc
#116934: report bug entry missing
#121146: window title should include host connection type
#123346: Dock icons not themeable
#127002: Enhancement request: Add Desktop number for storing passwords in kdewallet for vnc connections 
#127034: can not send esc keystroke to remote machine inside krdc
#132367: kwallet integration only stores the password, username needed as well for some viewers
#136049: RFE: use tabbed interface
#136462: Password in link ignored
#137141: do not send current unix username to server
#137182: turning fullscreen changes resolution, not the window size
#141783: krdc doesn't works with --fullscreen option
#146210: keystrokes are poorly transferred

BUGS: 49970, 59026, 69635, 69636, 74767, 116934, 121146, 123346, 127002, 127034, 132367, 136049, 136462, 137141, 137182, 141783, 146210

 A             krdc (directory)   branches/work/soc-krdc/krdc#691519