Version: 0.19 (using KDE KDE 3.5.1) Installed from: SuSE RPMs [09:10] --> will_ has joined this channel. ( [09:14] <-- will_ has left this server. () [09:15] <Bille> /dcop --user will --session .DCOPserver_emsig__0 konversation Konversation raw /quit [09:15] <Bille> ^ rules when you forgot to log off at home [09:15] --> will_ has joined this channel. ( [09:15] <Bille> bah. I wanted to cleanly disconnect a remote machine from IRC that I had forgotten to log out of, so I did /dcop --user will --session .DCOPserver_emsig__0 konversation Konversation raw /quit This disconnected me, but a few seconds later the auto-reconnect must have kicked in, because my user came back. pkill konversation worked though ;)
I do not believe this to be a bug. You have stuffed a command into the outbound queue, which is not intended to be filtered nor monitored. There is a proper quit method on MainApplication-Interface which would be better used to quit the application.
I agree with Eli on this one.