Bug 121224 - [site-issue] I can't print correctly http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/jouyoukanji.html
Summary: [site-issue] I can't print correctly http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/jouyo...
Alias: None
Product: konqueror
Classification: Applications
Component: khtml printing (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Slackware Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Allan Sandfeld
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-02-02 13:41 UTC by solsTiCe
Modified: 2008-05-06 06:07 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description solsTiCe 2006-02-02 13:41:35 UTC
Version:            (using KDE KDE 3.5.1)
Installed from:    Slackware Packages
OS:                Linux

when i go to http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/jouyoukanji.html , the web page is displayed correctly. 

but when i try to print it (or preview or print to ps file), all i got is some junk :

0l 6 <7 Fs ? F~ H, NO == 2< ;0 @i >e 8} EZ M< Bg =w ;R >. ; @n 8^ E7 Cf O; 1_ <j J8 F 

it seems to print using some latin1 encoding ( i use fr_FR@euro locales)

nobody helps me on #kde or #kde-users and i can't find out what to change in my configuration. 

it makes me feel bad but i must mention that it works in firefox (sight)
Comment 1 Eric Kjeldergaard 2006-09-01 18:28:21 UTC
I'm using 3.5.2 and it is printing to ps and pdf just fine.  (I don't have a real printer.)  This sounds a bit like a locale problem, what's the output of locale on your system?  I'm using POSIX here.
Comment 2 solsTiCe 2006-09-01 18:52:55 UTC
$ locale

the same with kde 3.5.4
Comment 3 solsTiCe 2006-09-01 19:00:08 UTC
just to mention
i have the same junk printed with opera 9.01 if it helps or make you feel better ;-) (but the preview is correct with opera)

and in the above you must replace ' at ' with '@' some stupid bot changed my post 
Comment 4 Kurt Pfeifle 2007-01-05 01:36:10 UTC
So in Firefox it works you say?

Can you please try the following: 

 * print to PS file in Firefox
 * view the PS file with gv *and* gs *and* kghostview

Do all the PS viewers show the same or different things? 
Is one of the viewers displaying The Right Thing (TM)?
Or are they all wrong?

Which is the list of the fonts/font-packages you have installed on your system?

@Eric Kjeldergaard:

Are you sure it works for you? Did you look at the PDF closely (zoomed in)? Which then is the list of the fonts/font-packages you have installed on *your* system? 
Comment 5 solsTiCe 2007-01-05 11:56:38 UTC
i have installed msmincho.ttc and mingliu.ttc in /usr/share/fonts/TTF and run mkfontdir && mkfontscale && fc-cache

then firefox 2 can print it ok. and the ps generated with firefox is rendered ok with gv or kghostview

konqueror used too the new fonts to display the page. one can see that the new font are anti-aliased. but it still fails at printing. 

and when i print to a ps file with konqueror, gv and kghostview show the garbage i show you an example above. 

without those new fonts i got squares with firefox at printing or with the ps file but the page is still well displayed in firefox,opera, konqueror (using some fonts like deja vu ? )

it seems to be a problem related to cups ? that can't find the new font ? 
or it's the ps generated by konqueror or some lib that's wrong ?

the ps generated by firefox is over 2Mb and seems to include the fonts needed while the ps generated by konqueror is only 177k

i use cups 1.2.7 and now arch linux with kde 3.5.5
Comment 6 Kurt Pfeifle 2007-01-05 21:21:54 UTC
---> "the ps generated with firefox is rendered ok with gv or kghostview"

OK, try these commands now for printing that PS file generated with Firefox:

 (1) lp -d any_printername /path/to/ps-file.ps
 (2) lp -d name_of_a_postscript_printer -o raw /path/to/ps-file.ps

The 2nd command sends the file "as is" without any further processing by any CUPS filter to the printer (but of course requires a PS-capable printer to succeed).

---> "konqueror used too the new fonts to display the page ... but it still fails at printing"

Please run "qtconfig" and check these settings:
(1) Fonts tab: no entry to replace your mingliu + msmincho fonts (*)
(2) Printers tab: the "embed fonts" setting is enabled

Does this help?

---> "it seems to be a problem related to cups ? that can't find the new font ?"

Depends on wether the font gets embedded into the generated PostScript (done by the Konqueror/Qt combo) or not.... Since your Firefox seems to be printing OK (and that printing also goes thru CUPS), it looks like CUPS is off the hook here.

---> "or it's the ps generated by konqueror or some lib that's wrong ?"

If above measures do not help, the please attach the two PS files generated by:

 (a) Firefox (use the Firefox-internal option in the print dialog "print to file"
 (b) Konqueror (use the "Print to file (PostScript)" printer of KDE's print dialog

for further comparison. Of the most interest will be to see which fonts get used, embedded (or not) and how.

Cheers, Kurt

(*) CAREFUL! qtconfig is not very user friendly in that it does not show you a
    complete list of all enabled replacements at once. You have to scroll thru 
    all fonts, one by one, shown in "Select or enter a family:" to be sure! 
    You'll notice that at the very least, arial is substituted by helvetica.
Comment 7 Kurt Pfeifle 2007-01-05 21:24:14 UTC
I forgot to ask: does Opera now print OK (after your installation of msmincho + mingliu fonts)?
Comment 8 solsTiCe 2007-01-06 18:12:35 UTC
qtconfig was already configured as you said
lp -d somefile.ps printed the file as i saw them in kghostview (ie good for firefox and wrong for opera and konqueror)
my printer is not postscript capable.

opera does print the file like konqueror. with the same garbage wether or not the msmincho and minligu are installed

because of license problem (redistribution of the police) i have put a tar.gz there http://home.tele2.fr/solsTiCe/3ps.tar.gz instead of creating an attachement attachement. 

Comment 9 Kurt Pfeifle 2007-01-06 23:55:02 UTC
solsTiCe, which license problem do you talk about? I don't understand.
Comment 10 solsTiCe 2007-01-07 00:02:23 UTC
msmincho and mingliu are microsoft fonts i borrowed from my windows xp partition. 
if they are included in the ps, does it cause a pb  if the file is put in bugs.kde.org ?
Comment 11 Kurt Pfeifle 2007-01-07 00:22:18 UTC
Ah, I see.

I dunno the licenses of these fonts... But usually it isn't a problem to pass a PostScript file to someone else, because to extract fonts from them is beyond the skills of most people anyway. (You'd probably need special tools, and installing these software tools normally also makes you to agree to a license that forbids you certain things...)

So, if you create the a PS file on Firefox/Win32 should make it pretty safe for inclusion in KDE's bugzilla... (would also be an interesting comparison with the other firefox.ps that I now do have).  :-)
Comment 12 Kurt Pfeifle 2007-01-07 00:23:01 UTC
solsTiCe, do I understand correctly, that

 (a) Firefox did display and print the site correctly even without the msmincho
     and minligu fonts installed, while Konqueror failed?
 (b) Konqueror started to display the site correctly after the font install, 
     but still doesn't print?

(and Opera behaves the same as Konqueror...)

Comment 13 Kurt Pfeifle 2007-01-07 00:34:27 UTC
solsTiCe, please post the output of these commands:

 (a) fc-list | grep -i minchu
 (b) fc-match msminchu

Comment 14 solsTiCe 2007-01-07 10:47:43 UTC
ok. so i uninstalled the fonts to check and then reinstall them. Although i used the term print in the table i only checked in kghostview the ps file generated from the browser (but it's the same)
            |       wo            |         w              |
            |  display |  print   |   display  |  print    |
firefox     |  ok      |  square  |     ok     |   ok      |
konqueror   |  square *|  garbage |     ok aa  |  garbage  |
opera       |  ok      |  garbage |     ok     |  garbage  |

(wo = without the fonts, w=with the fonts, garbage= the 0l 6 <7 in my 1st post)

* means previously the display in konqueror was ok. but since i uninstalled the fonts konqueror does not display well but with square. i do not understand it was good before and not good now ! konqueror previously behave like opera == ok garbage ok garbage

aa means konqueror use the ttf fonts and display them with anti-aliasing (no other browser does that)

fc-list | grep -i mincho
MS Mincho,MS 明朝:style=Regular,標準
MS PMincho,MS P明朝:style=Regular,標準
fc-match msmincho
msmincho.ttc: "MS Mincho" "Regular"

fc-list | grep -i mingliu
fc-match mingliu
mingliu.ttc: "MingLiU" "Regular"

i was thinking the garbage 0l 6 <7 Fs ? F~ H, NO == might be just utf8 printed in latin1 and not recognized as utf8 , no ? or it's a pb in the code of the page ? it use a charset euc-jp

ah, and i must mention that i have switched to arch linux and use a locale fr_fr.UTF8 now but i do not think it change anything of the behavior i reported in the first time in september cause i have the pb here now too
Comment 15 Kurt Pfeifle 2007-02-08 11:48:10 UTC
Just to give a short note to you, solstice. I've not forgotten the problem; I'm still researching bits and pieces about the handling of fonts when printing from KDE/Qt. Will take a while still, because I do not always have a Linux system to play with. 
Comment 16 Kurt Pfeifle 2007-02-08 16:01:05 UTC
Hey, I had a moment to further experiment...

What I've done:

 * grabbed the files MINGLIU.TT_, MSMINCHO.TT_ and MSGOTHIC.TT_ from an Win XP 
   computer; copied these to a SUSE 10.0 box
 * run "cabextract" against these files, which gave me  msmincho.ttc, 
   msgothic.ttc and mingliu.ttc; copied these to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype
 * cd'd to that "truetype" directory and run "mkfontdir", "mkfontscale" and
   "fc-cache -f -r -v ."
 * when I now run 'fc-list "ms mincho" file' I get the full path of the file 
 * the fonts now do appear in the KWord font dropdown list as well.

Printing from Konqueror the web page http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/jouyoukanji.html  still does not work. But neither does from Firefox. Both display the page *on screen* just fine. (Both are using "euc-jp" as their encoding). But both print identical lines like solstice described in his bug report.

Next, I printed to a file "jp.ps" said web page, and then run this command:

   gs jp.ps | tee gs.jp.ps.out

I got these Ghostscript messages back, saved to the file "gs.jp.ps.out":

--------- snip -------------------------------------------------------------

ESP Ghostscript 8.15 (2004-09-22)
Copyright (C) 2004 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file COPYING for details.
Scanning /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ for fonts... 11 files, 11 scanned, 0 new fonts.
Scanning /usr/share/fonts/ for fonts... 2 files, 2 scanned, 0 new fonts.
Can't find (or can't open) font file /usr/share/ghostscript/8.15/Resource/Font/EfontBiwidth-H.
Can't find (or can't open) font file EfontBiwidth-H.
Querying operating system for font files...
Didn't find this font on the system!
Substituting font Courier for EfontBiwidth-H.
Loading NimbusMonL-Regu font from /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/n022003l.pfb... 3004308 1426457 2362980 1007679 1 done.
Can't find (or can't open) font file /usr/share/ghostscript/8.15/Resource/Font/Ryumin-Light-H.
Can't find (or can't open) font file Ryumin-Light-H.
Didn't find this font on the system!
Substituting font Courier for Ryumin-Light-H.
Can't find (or can't open) font file /usr/share/ghostscript/8.15/Resource/Font/GothicBBB-Medium-H.
Can't find (or can't open) font file GothicBBB-Medium-H.
Didn't find this font on the system!
Substituting font Courier for GothicBBB-Medium-H.
Can't find (or can't open) font file /usr/share/ghostscript/8.15/Resource/Font/WadaMin-Regular-H.
Can't find (or can't open) font file WadaMin-Regular-H.
Didn't find this font on the system!
Substituting font Courier for WadaMin-Regular-H.
Can't find (or can't open) font file /usr/share/ghostscript/8.15/Resource/Font/WadaMaruGo-Regular-H.
Can't find (or can't open) font file WadaMaruGo-Regular-H.
Didn't find this font on the system!
Substituting font Courier for WadaMaruGo-Regular-H.
Can't find (or can't open) font file /usr/share/ghostscript/8.15/Resource/Font/WadaMin-RegularH-Hojo-H.
Can't find (or can't open) font file WadaMin-RegularH-Hojo-H.
Didn't find this font on the system!
Substituting font Courier for WadaMin-RegularH-Hojo-H.
Can't find (or can't open) font file /usr/share/ghostscript/8.15/Resource/Font/WadaMaruGo-RegularH-Hojo-H.
Can't find (or can't open) font file WadaMaruGo-RegularH-Hojo-H.
Didn't find this font on the system!
Substituting font Courier for WadaMaruGo-RegularH-Hojo-H.

--------- snap -------------------------------------------------------------

So this may be an indication of what to add to my system in order to fix the PostScript display as well as the printout of this web page.

But right now I've no time to follow up on this. Interested readers may follow up now and possibly find the full solution with this hint.

Otherwise, I'll return end of this month and continue to look into this some more.

Comment 17 Kurt Pfeifle 2007-02-12 15:07:47 UTC
solstice, Eric,

I've got it now working for Konqueror as well...  :-)

Are you willing to help create (and promote!) some documentation about the correct setup required to do this?

I'm just about to leave house, being off to a 10 day vacation in half an hour.... I've currently no more access to a Linux box (required to write down each step in detail and produce screenshots), but here is the very short version:

  * install the "ghostscript-fonts-cjk" package (or similarly named for your
    distro; "cjk" stands for "chinese-japanese-korean")

  * preferably install a few more fonts to handle Japanese (sorry, can't look 
    up right now...)

  * when printing from Konqueror, make sure you *DIS*able the Qt font embedding
    (it's in the ~/.qtrc config file -- both, "kaddprinterwizard --kdeconfig" as
    well as "qtconfig" write this setting into the same file). This prevents
    Qt from running its crappy "convert fonts into 'Type 3' and embed these"
    algorithm. Resulting PostScript will be "naked", and includ only the TT font
    names to be used.

  * set up "Print to file (PDF)" ("Properties" dialog, "Driver Settings" tab) to
    "Embed all fonts". This will now cause ps2pdf to embed the missing fonts 
    into the PDF *as TrueType* when it gets fed a naked PostScript as input.

Let me know.

Comment 18 Christophe Marin 2008-04-06 18:48:24 UTC
Printing the characters did work perfectly with konqueror4 from trunk (kdelibs r793966). All kanjis were printed. Some printed elements look like they're bold-weighted but it's probably a cups issue rather than a konqueror issue.

Unless solsTiCe still has problems with printing, this bug should be closed.

BTW, my locales :
krop@mokona:~$ locale

Comment 19 George Goldberg 2008-05-06 06:07:46 UTC
Closing since can not reproduce this bug. Please reopen if it can still be reproduced in a current version of KDE.