Bug 119208 - Installing themes is too difficult
Summary: Installing themes is too difficult
Alias: None
Product: kcontrol
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: kthememanager (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Ubuntu Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Scott
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Reported: 2005-12-30 01:12 UTC by Scott
Modified: 2018-09-04 18:07 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Scott 2005-12-30 01:12:46 UTC
Version:            (using KDE KDE 3.5.0)
Installed from:    Ubuntu Packages
Compiler:          GCC 4.0 
OS:                Linux

To install a theme (be it widgets, window decorations or icons) in GNOME, all one need to do is drag and drop a tarball containing the theme files to an open instance of GNOME theme manager and the theme is installed.

In addition, one can also manually uncompress the tarball in their ~/.themes or ~/.icons directory.

On can also drag and drop HTML links to themes from an open web browser to the theme manager and install themes this way.

Lastly, use the new "Gnome art" application to preview and then download and install themes with just a few mouse clicks.

Does KDE (which I generally prefer to GNOME) have anything remotely like this?


With the exception of Icon themes, one has to be lucky enough to find a recompiled package that's ready to install (provided you have superuser privileges, of course).

No theme site, even the "official unofficial" kde-look.org is part of KDE so one takes great risk in installing a RPM, .tgz or .DEB package downloaded from there.

This of course assumes that the theme you want has been packaged by some kind soul and is current enough to work with your distro (often not the case).

The other alternative is to download a theme from the above mentioned site and compile it from source.

Compiling any "program" from source can be challenging especially if you have to hunt down all the right libraries needed to satisfy all it's dependencies (and most themes don't give you any clue as to what you need in advance).

The included "INSTALL" and "README" files in these source tarballs are mostly a joke and rarely provide any useful information.

Are you getting the picture now?

Why is it so hard to install Window Decorations or Widgets ("Styles") in KDE.   

GNOME defiantly has you beat in this area.  KDE has GNOME beat most everywhere else, but you've dropped the ball when it comes to themes.

Please re-think this process and make it simpler (especially for end users).

Comment 1 Lukáš Tinkl 2005-12-30 13:38:03 UTC
While I generally agree with your points, there's nothing I can do about making this simpler. I don't control kde-look.org; widget and window decorations are not pixmap-based, so their installation usually depends on some kind of compilation. Lastly, I don't produce the themes themselves, so better docu (README) is beyond my reach
Comment 2 Scott 2006-01-10 22:04:31 UTC
The main point I was making was that KDE needs to take a look at it's whole themeing system.  It's far too difficult for a user to add or change themes..  The source of the themes is not the issue.

The issue is simply that if KDE were to implement a simple drag and drop system for adding themes (as does GNOME) it would vastly improve the usability.

Not to mention that (unlike GNOME) I see this as KDE's only major "flaw".

If this means making themes pixmap based, then perhaps that's what's needed. Although I'm not sure SVG-based themes qualify as pixmap and right now both GNOME and KDE each have a number of these.
Comment 3 Thiago Macieira 2006-01-11 04:10:46 UTC
Don't reopen WONTFIX entries unless you want to write the code yourself.
Comment 4 Scott 2006-01-11 10:33:32 UTC
Did you even read what I wrote.  Besides, if they are not to be reopened is that option given?
Comment 5 dale 2006-01-12 05:26:18 UTC
I must admit, I don't change the themes because it is more trouble than it is worth.  Knowing it is that easy with Gnome, makes me considering giving Gnome another look.  Maybe I will like it better if I change the theme a bit.

Does loosing users help you reconsider?  It can happen.  You either keep up or get left behind.  My dad owned a business and that worked well for him.

Comment 6 Thiago Macieira 2006-01-12 13:33:01 UTC
Yes, I read what you wrote. And, since I can only expect reciprocity (you read what I wrote), you are now responsible for this bug.

Please provide the code or close it again.
Comment 7 Andrew Crouthamel 2018-09-04 18:07:50 UTC
Hello! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this project has been unmaintained for many years so I am closing this bug. Kcontrol has been replaced by System Settings in Plasma. Please give the latest version of that a try, and open a new bug in "systemsettings" if you continue to have an issue. Thank you!