Version: (using KDE KDE 3.4.3) OS: Linux When exporting contacts to vcard, then for each contact an individual file is created. Every file is named as christianname_surname.vcf If there is no entry in this both contact fields (like this is for contacts of organizations, where no individual is named), then a file with the name _.vcf ist created. So if there a more than one "organization contact", than the lastone "wins". Would be better to use the organization name if no christen-/surname are defined (both empty).
SVN commit 487459 by tokoe: Bugfix of #116006 BUGS:116006 M +12 -1 vcard_xxport.cpp --- branches/KDE/3.5/kdepim/kaddressbook/xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp #487458:487459 @@ -132,9 +132,20 @@ return true; KABC::AddresseeList::ConstIterator it; + uint counter = 0; for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { - url = baseUrl.url() + "/" + (*it).givenName() + "_" + (*it).familyName() + ".vcf"; + QString testUrl; + if ( (*it).givenName().isEmpty() && (*it).familyName().isEmpty() ) + testUrl = baseUrl.url() + "/" + (*it).organization(); + else + testUrl = baseUrl.url() + "/" + (*it).givenName() + "_" + (*it).familyName(); + if ( KIO::NetAccess::exists( testUrl + (counter == 0 ? "" : QString::number( counter )) + ".vcf", false, parentWidget() ) ) { + counter++; + url = testUrl + QString::number( counter ) + ".vcf"; + } else + url = testUrl + ".vcf"; + bool tmpOk; KABC::AddresseeList tmpList; tmpList.append( *it );
The development of the old KAddressBook will be discontinued for KDE 4.4. Since the new application has the same name, but a completly new code base we close all bug reports against the old version and ask the submitters to resend there reports against the new product.