Bug 115969 - Images shouldn't default to Y-axis autoborder, X-axis auto range
Summary: Images shouldn't default to Y-axis autoborder, X-axis auto range
Alias: None
Product: kst
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 1.x
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kst
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-11-09 01:12 UTC by Matthew Truch
Modified: 2005-12-03 02:32 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Matthew Truch 2005-11-09 01:12:31 UTC
Version:           1.2.0_svn_478969 (using KDE KDE 3.4.1)
OS:                Linux

For images, there is no reason to treat the y-axis as special and use autoborder with the x-axis in auto (no border) mode.  The default for new images should have both the x and y ranges the same, either autoborder or auto (no border).  Personally, I think that auto is better than autoborder in this case.
Comment 1 Andrew Walker 2005-11-16 22:08:53 UTC
These properties belong to a plot and not to an image. At present the default for all plots is as you describe, regardless of whether they contain curves and/or images. I can't think of any simple to improve upon this, other than have the user manaually change the plot setting if so desired. One possibility might be to change the setting automatically if the plot contains only images, but it is not considered very polite to change settings without user intervention.
Comment 2 Matthew Truch 2005-11-16 22:50:41 UTC
On Wed, Nov 16, 2005 at 09:08:54PM -0000, Andrew Walker wrote:
> These properties belong to a plot and not to an image. At present the
> default for all plots is as you describe, regardless of whether they
> contain curves and/or images. I can't think of any simple to improve
> upon this, other than have the user manaually change the plot setting
> if so desired. One possibility might be to change the setting
> automatically if the plot contains only images, but it is not
> considered very polite to change settings without user intervention.

I'm not talking about changing an existing plot, I'm talking about when
a plot is created automatically (through the datawizard or from the
command line with -y and/or -z, or when you make a new curve/image and
tell it to put it in a new plot), that the settings for the newly
created plot should reflect the starting contents of the plot.
Comment 3 Andrew Walker 2005-12-02 23:25:40 UTC
SVN commit 485114 by arwalker:

CCBUG:115969 Set AUTO instead of AUTOBORDER if we create a new plot for our new image.

 M  +2 -0      kstimagedialog_i.cpp  

--- trunk/extragear/graphics/kst/kst/kstimagedialog_i.cpp #485113:485114
@@ -527,6 +527,8 @@
       if (plot) {
+        plot->setXScaleMode(AUTO);
+        plot->setYScaleMode(AUTO);
Comment 4 Andrew Walker 2005-12-03 02:32:36 UTC
SVN commit 485140 by arwalker:

BUG:115969 Set y-axis to AUTO when there are only images in the plot. Previously this was AUTOBORDER

 M  +12 -2     main.cpp  

--- trunk/extragear/graphics/kst/kst/main.cpp #485139:485140
@@ -479,7 +479,9 @@
                 if (in.sep_plots) {
-                  if (i_plot <in.n_plots) plot = *plist.at(i_plot);
+                  if (i_plot < in.n_plots) {
+                    plot = *plist.at(i_plot);
+                  }
@@ -683,7 +685,7 @@
             } // next histogram
           } // end (if there are some histograms)
-          if (matrixList.count() >0) { // if there are some matrixes
+          if (matrixList.count() > 0) { // if there are some matrixes
             for (mat_i = matrixList.begin(); mat_i != matrixList.end(); ++mat_i) {
               QString tag_name = KST::suggestMatrixName(*mat_i);
               if (!file->isValidMatrix(*mat_i)) {
@@ -736,6 +738,14 @@
       for (i_plot = 0; i_plot < in.n_plots; i_plot++) {
         plot = *plist.at(i_plot);
+        // if we have only images in a plot then set the scale mode to AUTO (instead of AUTOBORDER)
+        KstImageList images = kstObjectSubList<KstBaseCurve,KstImage>(plot->Curves);
+        if (images.count() == plot->Curves.count()) {
+          plot->setXScaleMode(AUTO);
+          plot->setYScaleMode(AUTO);
+        }
         if (plot->Curves.count() > 3 || in.dolegend) {
           KstViewLegendPtr vl = plot->getOrCreateLegend();
           vl->resizeFromAspect(0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1);