Bug 111691 - Save konsole history for all sessions
Summary: Save konsole history for all sessions
Alias: None
Product: konsole
Classification: Applications
Component: history (show other bugs)
Version: 1.5.1
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konsole Developer
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Reported: 2005-08-29 06:42 UTC by Kiran Reddy
Modified: 2013-05-20 00:48 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Kiran Reddy 2005-08-29 06:42:25 UTC
Version:           1.5.1 (using KDE 3.4.1 Level "a" , SUSE 9.3 UNSUPPORTED)
Compiler:          gcc version 3.3.5 20050117 (prerelease) (SUSE Linux)
OS:                Linux (i686) release

Saving all sessions history just like clear all history button on edit menu

I have almost 5 to 6 open sessions on konsole all time, and since i do work on some critical maintenence i prefer to save all my work on every session daily. it would be really great if i can save all history from all sessions in a click or by some command.

Kiran reddy
Comment 1 Kurt Hindenburg 2005-09-17 00:05:44 UTC
If you have 5 open sessions, would you want to save with 5 different file names (that is have 5 'Save as' dialogs popup)?  Or should the all 5 sessions be saved to one file?  Appended to each other...
Comment 2 Kiran Reddy 2005-09-19 07:18:32 UTC
Hi Kurt

It would be better if we can save all sessions history with that of session name, Preferable a
different filename for each will be better.


--- "Kurt V.Hindenburg" <kurt.hindenburg@kdemail.net> wrote:

[bugs.kde.org quoted mail]

Thanks and Regards
Kiran Reddy.D
Comment 3 Kiran Reddy 2005-12-15 11:27:55 UTC

I guess you can try look at how gaim is saving all its chat sessions from all tabs. 

Probably we can try implement same feature in to konsole, which will help many people to log history from all tabs.

Thanks and Regards
Comment 4 gsasha 2006-07-27 13:24:42 UTC
Yes, it's a great great idea. Along with the saving as much of the state of the shells inside konsole tabs (that I'm fighting for currently), this will make the life so much easier.
Comment 5 Wolfram R. Sieber 2006-08-02 21:52:05 UTC

> Along with the saving as much of the state of the shells inside konsole
> tabs (that I'm fighting for currently), this will make the life so much
> easier. 

Probably, that would make life a breeze, but what about security? I think, it would be an issue, when any konsole was used under another user's account, say root account.

But on the other hand, up to the last entry the history could be kind of greyed out, possibly by a dividing horizontal bar. And after that the konsole could start with a  $ prompt wherever one left the konsole the last session.
Comment 6 Robert Knight 2007-02-10 03:19:46 UTC
> Along with the saving as much of the state of the shells inside konsole 
> tabs (that I'm fighting for currently), this will make the life so much easier. 

It would be possible to save the scrollback information, but nothing specific to the process itself.

This particular report is possible to implement though.
Comment 7 soshial 2013-05-20 00:48:30 UTC
Does this bug say about common history of used commands or about all commands' output as well?