Bug 110563 - Undoing (Ctrl-Z) an Anchor causes entire diagram to be lost
Summary: Undoing (Ctrl-Z) an Anchor causes entire diagram to be lost
Alias: None
Product: umbrello
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 1.4
Platform: openSUSE Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Umbrello Development Group
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Reported: 2005-08-11 12:45 UTC by Larry Weisberg
Modified: 2005-09-04 22:36 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Larry Weisberg 2005-08-11 12:45:58 UTC
Version:           1.4 (using KDE KDE 3.3.0)
Installed from:    SuSE RPMs
OS:                Linux

I have a model with about 15-20 imported classes, a small class diagram (4 classes) and a small use case diagram (2 actors, 3 use cases).  In addition I am working on a sequence diagram showing  5 objects, with about 10-12 messages between them.  At one point I added 2 Notes.  The first one I anchored to a Synchronous Message.  Then I added another anchor for the 2nd Note to a different Synchronous Message.  I did not like how the 2nd one looked, so I did a <CTRL-Z>.  At that point the entire Sequence Diagram disappeared, and was replaced by 4-5 diagonal lines.  Also, the sequence diagram I was working on was now labelled as "class diagram."

I tried to quit w/o saving and re-enter umbrello but that did not help.  What is even more unusual - I had this happen yesterday, too.  So, I took a backed up version of the .xmi, (partial sequence diagram) and tried to re-do my work on another machine (also kde3.3, etc).  This time before I did the undo, I backed up the .xmi file.  Now, even when I run Umbrello with the backed up .xmi, I still have no sequence diagram.
Comment 1 Oliver Kellogg 2005-08-11 18:29:55 UTC
Cannot confirm with svn main trunk.

> Now, even when I run Umbrello with the backed up .xmi, I still
> have no sequence diagram.

Strange. Could you append your xmi file?
In the <XMI.extensions><diagrams>, do you still see your sequence
diagram (type="403") ?
Comment 2 Oliver Kellogg 2005-09-04 22:36:43 UTC
Some grave bugs in Undo were fixed recently.
If you continue to have problems using umbrello from the
KDE 3.5 branch then please reopen.