Bug 110166 - font & keytab problems with saved ssh sessions
Summary: font & keytab problems with saved ssh sessions
Alias: None
Product: konsole
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 1.5
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konsole Developer
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Reported: 2005-08-04 12:46 UTC by richlv
Modified: 2008-07-16 09:00 UTC (History)
0 users

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borked console (64.44 KB, image/png)
2007-02-05 13:16 UTC, richlv

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Description richlv 2005-08-04 12:46:09 UTC
Version:            (using KDE KDE 3.4.2)
OS:                Linux

if a session is saved to ssh to remote machine, this session has messed up fonts & most key combinations don't work.

if i open a session named 'shell' in konsole and enter "ssh <machine>", i get a working environment - mc displays all items correctly, all F keys and their combinations work.

now if i create a session that executes the same ssh command, mc has all sorts of extended characters in the place of lines, almost all F keys are not working.

i kept the same font & keytab settings as 'shell' session has - font set to "<Default>" and keytab set to "XTerm (XFree 4.x.x)"
Comment 1 richlv 2006-03-15 14:22:04 UTC
ping. i can still reproduce this with 3.5.1
any ideas ?
Comment 2 Robert Knight 2007-02-04 04:23:33 UTC
I am not able to reproduce this here.  Could you provide a screenshot of what you are seeing?
Comment 3 richlv 2007-02-05 13:16:23 UTC
Created attachment 19560 [details]
borked console

well, i don't know how much screenshot will help, but here it is :)
of course, i can't make a screenshot of F keys not working ;)

this is a screenshot of a bash session having a command "ssh localhost" (i also
tried "bash -c 'ssh localhost'" and others).
encoding and keyboard both are set to the same settings as when manually
ssh-ing to localhost (and everything works ok).
'locale' output is identical in both cases.
Comment 4 Robert Knight 2007-02-05 14:24:31 UTC
Can you try a couple of things:

Run execute " konsole -e ssh <machine> " from the commandline and compare with the display shown by " xterm -e ssh <machine> " and let me know if the output is different.

Please also try changing the character encoding via the Encoding menu ( Settings -> Encoding ) and see if that makes any difference.
Comment 5 richlv 2007-02-05 14:35:32 UTC
"konsole -e ssh localhost" works fine, symbols are displayed ok, function keys work.
"xterm -e ssh localhost" also works just fine.

when i have a session created from within settings->configure konsole "session" tab, this session has display garbled and function keys not working.
i've tried setting encoding to iso-8859-1, iso-8859-13 and utf-8., this makes no difference for the display.

just as for simple ssh or "konsole -e ssh localhost" sessions, keytab is set to xfree 4 one.

(kde 3.5.4 currently, as slackware does not have latest kde packaged yet).
Comment 6 Robert Knight 2008-07-13 06:34:17 UTC
Any changes in recent Konsole versions (either KDE 3 or KDE 4)?
Comment 7 richlv 2008-07-14 11:57:49 UTC
ah, it seems that actually the problem was my inability to find where to set TERM for saved profiles...

i now edited the saved profile files and manually changed TermN values from "linux" to "xterm", and terminals now work as expected.

though i still see no way to change these values other than editing the config file directly, i'm glad i finally can use profiles =)
Comment 8 Matthew Woehlke 2008-07-14 23:11:41 UTC
> though i still see no way to change these values other than editing the config file directly, i'm glad i finally can use profiles =)

settings->edit current profile, look for the 'edit environment' button ("general" tab, it's below the big 'change icon' button)
Comment 9 richlv 2008-07-15 08:07:09 UTC
"settings->edit current profile" - there's no such entry, at least in kde 3.5.9...
Comment 10 Matthew Woehlke 2008-07-15 18:43:24 UTC
Ah, I thought you were looking at KDE4 :-). I forget where exactly it is for KDE3 (I no longer have KDE3 running anywhere to check), but I'm pretty sure I remember it being there (I always changed the terminal type to "linux").
Comment 11 richlv 2008-07-16 09:00:47 UTC
it can be set for a particular session in settings->configure konsole->session, but as far as i remember from my extensive testing, this setting never propogated to saved profiles...