Bug 109253 - Digikam does not store comments in image EXIF tags
Summary: Digikam does not store comments in image EXIF tags
Alias: None
Product: digikam
Classification: Applications
Component: Metadata-Exif (show other bugs)
Version: 0.7.3
Platform: Gentoo Packages Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Digikam Developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-07-18 13:08 UTC by Dik Takken
Modified: 2017-08-13 07:26 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In: 0.9.0
Sentry Crash Report:


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Dik Takken 2005-07-18 13:08:41 UTC
Version:           0.7.3 (using KDE KDE 3.4.1)
Installed from:    Gentoo Packages
OS:                Linux

I configured DigiKam to store image comments in the EXIF info of the images, but it does not work. All comment related EXIF tags of the images remain empty, even after closing DigiKam (to make sure that all comments are really stored on disk).

I use the latest stable libexif Gentoo package (0.5.12), digikamimageplugins 0.7.3, libkipi 0.1.1 and kipiplugins 0.1.0_beta2.
Comment 1 Renchi Raju 2005-07-18 21:50:50 UTC
SVN commit 435977 by pahlibar:

be correct about where exactly in the JPEG file, 
the image comment is stored
CCBUGS: 109253

 M  +1 -1      setupexif.cpp  

--- trunk/extragear/graphics/digikam/utilities/setup/setupexif.cpp #435976:435977
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
    iconSaveExifBox_ = new QCheckBox(this);
-   iconSaveExifBox_->setText(i18n("&Save image comments as EXIF comments in JPEG images"));
+   iconSaveExifBox_->setText(i18n("&Save image comments as embedded comments (JFIF) in JPEG images"));
    iconExifRotateBox_ = new QCheckBox(this);
Comment 2 Renchi Raju 2005-07-18 21:55:40 UTC
the comments are stored in the JFIF header and not in the Exif part of the jpeg file (I have corrected the wording for it). the reason to do is that in kde applications, when you choose to see the properties of the image, in the metainfo tab, the embedded comments are displayed as "Exif comments". By saving in the JFIF header we ensure that the when you save comments using digiKam, it can also be seen in other kde applications. 

About additional saving the comments as proper Exif comments: this was turned off, as the length of the string in the Exif comments is limited (i forget the exact length) and the writing both jfif and exif comments is just going to bloat up the image file and also slow down the operation of saving comments.
Comment 3 Dik Takken 2005-07-18 23:03:06 UTC
I would like this bug re-opened as a wishlist. The reason is that writing EXIF comments really is a must-have feature, IMHO. For example, all the PHP web-gallery scripts I know read EXIF comments, not JFIF. 

I don't really care about the speed of writing comments, it's currently happening in a split second. I can wait two split seconds if it gets me real EXIF comments. Concerning long comments, they could be cut-off at a safe length, like "This is a very long comment" -> "This is a very long...". Digikam could even display a warning when the max EXIF length is exceeded.

Comment 4 Renchi Raju 2005-07-18 23:07:28 UTC
reopening as a wishlist
Comment 5 Wolfram Quester 2005-08-17 18:49:28 UTC
I wanted to edit the comments with digikam to create an html gallery with llgal, but it can't read the comments, neither rdjpgcom can. And at least the last one states in its manpage that it reads JFIF comments. So how can I get to my comments?
I use digikam 0.7.2 from debian unstable on ppc with "Save image comments as EXIF comments in JPEG images".

Wit best regards,

Comment 6 Renchi Raju 2005-08-19 07:48:55 UTC
For the embedding of comments to work you need to have jpeg kfile plugin installed. On my debian system it comes in the "kdegraphics-kfile-plugins" package. Dik, can you also verify if this is the problem with the php web-gallery scripts you are trying. I find it surprising that the scripts would try to locate Exif comments and not the JFIF comments
Comment 7 Wolfram Quester 2005-08-19 14:40:46 UTC
OK, i installed kdegraphics-kfile-plugins and it works now. But there should be a hint that digikam can only sync the images with the plugin installed and better yet the entry could be greyed out if the plugin is not available.

Thanks for your help,

Comment 8 Jean-Daniel Dodin 2005-12-17 11:02:05 UTC
As of November, digikam exif comments are stored in the comment.0 tag (given in php exifs plugin)
Comment 9 caulier.gilles 2006-03-03 10:59:49 UTC
SVN commit 515268 by cgilles:

digikam from trunk : Metadata support using Exiv2 :

- New image properties sidebar tab named "Metadata" instead old "Exif". This area include :

* Standard Exif tags viewer.
* MarkerNote Exif tags viewer.
* IPTC records viewer.

- New capability to copy metadata in clipboard like text.
- New capability to print metadata.
- Tags name use the "user Friendly" conversion from Exiv2 instead the internal name provided by old Exif viewer based on libkexif.
- Capability to read metadata from CRW files (Canon RAW files)
- New class DMetadata to load/save metadata without loading image data. Actually JPEG, CRW, and PNG files are supported. About PNG (Exif and IPTC raw profiles generated by ImageMagick are supported.

To support new file formats (like NEF, MRW, TIFF, DNG, etc), new image file parsers must be added to Exiv2 library.


- Exiv2 do not support yet gettext for i18n rules. All informations in metadata viewers aren't yet i18n (tags name, tags values, and tags descriptions)
- Any tag names use internal Exiv2 name, not the user friendly text transformations. This point must be fixed in Exiv2 libs.

To 0.9.0, these tools are just metadata readers. Writting capabilities (metadata editors) will added later 0.9.0. The files in B.K.O directly or indirectly relevant of this commits are listed below :



*Partially fixed:


* To check before closing:


* Fixed (can be closed):


CCMAIL: digikam-devel@kde.org,  Andreas Huggel <ahuggel@gmx.net>

CCBUGS: 103255, 106103, 115764, 111560, 91812, 96459, 109253, 110598, 118501, 122264, 103489, 121371, 105670, 109319

 M  +2 -1      libs/Makefile.am  
 M  +5 -4      libs/dimg/Makefile.am  
 M  +1 -1      libs/dimg/dimg.cpp  
 M  +1 -1      libs/dimg/dimg.h  
 M  +19 -1     libs/dimg/dimgloader.cpp  
 M  +4 -2      libs/dimg/dimgloader.h  
 M  +4 -61     libs/dimg/loaders/jpegloader.cpp  
 M  +5 -29     libs/dimg/loaders/pngloader.cpp  
 M  +2 -1      libs/dimg/loaders/rawloader.cpp  
 A             libs/dmetadata (directory)  
 A             libs/dmetadata/Makefile.am  
 A             libs/dmetadata/dmetadata.cpp   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/dmetadata/dmetadata.h   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/dmetadata/loaders (directory)  
 A             libs/dmetadata/loaders/Makefile.am  
 A             libs/dmetadata/loaders/dmetaloader.cpp   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/dmetadata/loaders/dmetaloader.h   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/dmetadata/loaders/jpegmetaloader.cpp   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/dmetadata/loaders/jpegmetaloader.h   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/dmetadata/loaders/pngmetaloader.cpp   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/dmetadata/loaders/pngmetaloader.h   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/dmetadata/loaders/rawmetaloader.cpp   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/dmetadata/loaders/rawmetaloader.h   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/dmetadata/loaders/tiffmetaloader.cpp   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/dmetadata/loaders/tiffmetaloader.h   [License: GPL]
 M  +3 -2      libs/imageproperties/Makefile.am  
 M  +82 -323   libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiesexiftab.cpp  
 M  +12 -25    libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiesexiftab.h  
 M  +19 -18    libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiessidebar.cpp  
 M  +10 -9     libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiessidebar.h  
 M  +27 -26    libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiessidebarcamgui.cpp  
 M  +2 -1      libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiessidebarcamgui.h  
 M  +16 -15    libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiessidebardb.cpp  
 M  +3 -1      libs/widgets/Makefile.am  
 A             libs/widgets/metadata (directory)  
 A             libs/widgets/metadata/Makefile.am  
 A             libs/widgets/metadata/exifwidget.cpp   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/widgets/metadata/exifwidget.h   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/widgets/metadata/iptcwidget.cpp   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/widgets/metadata/iptcwidget.h   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/widgets/metadata/makernotewidget.cpp   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/widgets/metadata/makernotewidget.h   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/widgets/metadata/mdkeylistviewitem.cpp   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/widgets/metadata/mdkeylistviewitem.h   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/widgets/metadata/metadatalistview.cpp   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/widgets/metadata/metadatalistview.h   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/widgets/metadata/metadatalistviewitem.cpp   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/widgets/metadata/metadatalistviewitem.h   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp   [License: GPL]
 A             libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.h   [License: GPL]
 M  +24 -1     utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp  
Comment 10 caulier.gilles 2006-04-03 14:20:13 UTC
digiKam comments is now automaticly stored into :

- JFIF JPEG section
- Exif UserComments tags.
- Iptc Caption tags.

I close this file.

Gilles Caulier.
Comment 11 Dik Takken 2006-04-03 20:07:23 UTC
Wow, good news!