Version: 1.5 (using KDE 3.4.0 Level "b" , unofficial build of SUSE ) Compiler: gcc version 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux) OS: Linux (i686) release 2.6.5-7.151-smp I've fired up a konsole window (version 1.5) under SuSE Linux 9.1 running KDE 3.4, I've then ssh'd (OpenSSH_3.8p1) to a Apple Mac running Mac OS X (10.3.9), at the command prompt I hold the shift key down and press the return key my connection freezes and I can no longer enter anything at the console. Although I can't type anything, I can get stuff displayed, i.e. I can send text from another session to be displayed into the frozen window.. It would appear that the terminal session running on ttyp1 has somehow got munged. I can see this, if I run another sessions to the machine on ttyp2 steve@macos(ttyp2)$ stty < /dev/ttyp1 speed 38400 baud; lflags: -icanon -echo echoe echok echoke echoctl iflags: -icrnl ixoff -ixany -imaxbel oflags: -oxtabs cflags: cs8 -parenb dsusp eol eol2 lnext <undef> ^@ ^@ <undef> steve@macos(ttyp2)$ stty speed 38400 baud; lflags: echoe echok echoke echoctl pendin iflags: ixoff -ixany -imaxbel oflags: -oxtabs cflags: cs8 -parenb eol eol2 ^@ ^@ steve@macos(ttyp2)$ .... actually I've just noticed that ^C will terminate the hang, but I still am confused as to whether it should happen
Simplest way to see if it is Konsole related is to try it in xterm (or another terminal). You could also try using a VC terminal (Ctrl+Alt+0).
sorry forgot to mention. The problem does not occur in xterm or in a real console.
I can't reproduce using KDE 3.5.2/3 and sshing into Tiger. Reopen if you can reproduce after upgrading...