Version: (using KDE KDE 3.4.0) Installed from: Gentoo Packages Compiler: gcc 3.3.5-20050130 OS: Linux It would be nice if we were able to print an overview of all albums known to digikam. E.g: Right click on "Albums" breings up an entry in the context menu like "Print existing albums". The printout would show a list like <Album name 1> <Date> <Description> <Album name 2> <Date> <Description> maybe the printing dialog could have the option to sort after some criterium, for example date, tag or so. A friend of mine (a computer layman) has to type his album´s names by hand in open office to print them (even printing the directory from konqueror seems not to work). All I could tell him was "ls | kprinter", but he does not like and need the shell...
> It would be nice if we were able to print an overview of all albums > known to digikam. E.g: Right click on "Albums" breings up an entry in > the context menu like "Print existing albums". The printout would show a > list like I know I am boring but you can do that sort of things with cdigi (look for on for i in `cdigi -l`; do cdigi -a $i --report | grep "Album\|^Name\|^Comment\|^Date"; done For me it returns: === Album === Name: TODO Comment: Reworking of images from scanner and camera Date: 2005-02-22 === Album === Name: Ber-Levi Comment: Date: 2005-02-28 === Album === Name: Gradiens Comment: Test of gradient filters Date: 2005-04-11 I know you are looking for something more GUI but I am not sure how it should be done. Rather not context menu but something rather kipi-plugin with wizard to create Album/Tag reports in various formats: HTML, LaTeX, KWord, etc.
This feature will not be implemented, right? Solution from comment #1 seems to be enough, although I'm not sure if this will work with 0.10, too. You could also just use "tree -d /mnt/your/fotos" to see a representation of your albums. Gilles, Marcel, Arnd, what do you think? Andi
Just thought that this feature could be implemented in the backup tool... when creating your archive, it would generate a textfile, XML, PDF etc that can be put in the backup media, so that you have a quick overview of what is stored in this backup media. Andi
I *am* planning to update cdigi when time allows and DB stabilizes...
WARNING : with digiKam 6.0.0 and later, we will not support kipi interface anymore. All tools are now located in digiKam core as well for a plan to provide a more power-full integration with Batch Queue Manager and to be able to export a workflow on a web-service. All export tools are now available everywhere : album view, Image editor, Light table, and Showfoto. Previously, only album view from digiKam core was able to deal with export tools through libkipi. All export tools are now located here : All export tools use now a dedicated interface to communicate with the application : - digiKam (database) : - Showfoto (files metadata) : There is not direct use of digiKam database for compatibility with Showfoto. We plan later to provide a dynamic loading of export tools using a plugins mechanism. This will reduce overloading of the internal core libraries. A dedicated devel branch have been created for that, but it's not yet complete: But take a care, digiKam export tools as plugins will not be shared with another external application. API will still private and only shared between Showfoto and digiKam core. The experience with libkipi was bad and complex to maintain/extend in time. Gilles Caulier