Version: KOffice 1.3.5 (using KDE KDE 3.3.2) Installed from: Debian testing/unstable Packages OS: Linux kword_opt.po opt.docbook:18, 19, 20 Configure shortcuts Configure toolbars Miscellaneous options - Could be a bulleted list, it's not necessary to perform the actions in this sequence. opt.docbook:27 <guimenuitem>Configure Key Bindings</guimenuitem> - Configure Shortcuts... opt.docbook:27 combo box labled - labeled opt.docbook:134 <guimenuitem>Configure Toolbars</guimenuitem> - Configure Toolbars... opt.docbook:219 <guimenuitem>Configure &kword;</guimenuitem> - Configure &kword;... Entire chapter Kword Options: - inconsistent use of colons opt.docbook:227 Configure &kword; User Interface. - Title: no period needed. opt.docbook:279 When frames and tab stops are placed on the page, - tabstops are not set in "Interface" but in "Document" opt.docbook:339 <guibutton>Choose</guibutton> - Choose... opt.docbook:477 ... The description seems to be wrong. When the Direct insert cursor is enabled, the Type Anywhere Cursor (Settings menu) is enabled as well. Switch either one on, and the othe one is switched on as well. opt.docbook:477 and kword finds - KWord opt.docbook:476, 477 Skip run-together words 1. If this box is not checked, and kword finds a two words in its dictionary that are placed next to each other, it will be marked as misspelled. If this box is checked, the combined word will be ignored. Examples of such words are shutout, cannot, and blackout. Tip 2. Leaving this check box unchecked will help prevent KWord from flagging website and email addresses for spelling errors. These addresses often contain words run together. 1. Not checked > marked as misspelled 2. Not checked > prevent marking as misspelled opt.docbook:599-617 View formatting end paragraph Toggles the display of new-line characters on and off. - paragraph marks View formatting break Toggles the display of paragraph marks on and off. - frame breaks
CVS commit by mcbride: Fixes, updates, cleaned up screenshots, incorporating suggestions from translators and others. BUGS: 103678 BUGS: 103910 BUGS: 103961 BUGS: 103986 BUGS: 104069 BUGS: 104141 BUGS: 104328 BUGS: 104451 A formover.png 1.1 A formunder.png 1.1 M +1 -1 bookmarks.docbook 1.6 M +3 -2 doclinks.docbook 1.9 M +1 -1 docstruct.docbook 1.8 M +4 -4 editing.docbook 1.23 M +15 -4 formspecchar.png 1.2 M +21 -34 formtb.png 1.5 M +1 -1 formulas.docbook 1.7 M +2 -1 graphics.docbook 1.13 M +3 -3 index.docbook 1.136 M +12 -12 lists.docbook 1.6 M +11 -7 mailmerge.docbook 1.12 M +64 -65 mbtb.docbook 1.28 M +11 -9 opt.docbook 1.10 M +2 -2 techinfo.docbook 1.9 M +1 -1 templatecreation.docbook 1.6 M +3 -3 toc.docbook 1.7