Bug 103123 - Changing the order of operation in class diagram doesn't work properly
Summary: Changing the order of operation in class diagram doesn't work properly
Alias: None
Product: umbrello
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Debian testing Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Umbrello Development Group
: 102543 (view as bug list)
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Reported: 2005-04-03 12:06 UTC by Pyry Liukas
Modified: 2005-05-25 22:47 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Pyry Liukas 2005-04-03 12:06:40 UTC
Version:           1.4 - 3.4.0-0pre1 (using KDE KDE 3.4.0)
Installed from:    Debian testing/unstable Packages
OS:                Linux

When I have a class with different attributes and operations, changing the order of operations in the properties window fails.

In the class properties, at the operations area, the operations are shown in their own window in the order they have been created. If you select an operation by clicking it, and then try to change the current order of the selected operation, everything works fine in the current operations window. The place is changed properly and everything *seems* to be ok.

But if the tree-view is visible, the order of the operation should change also in the tree view. It doesn't. Instead, the blue selection moves a step in the direction of the change BUT the order of the operation doesn't change. If you try to move operations downwards: nothing happens. If you try to move the operation upwards, it moves a wrong operation upwards. The wrong operation is a operation that is upper to the "wanted" operation in the tree view.


Class A with operations 
# - Name
1 - do1()
2 - do2()
3 - do3()
4 - do4()

If you select do1 and press the "move down" button
Properties window:
The do1 operation moves to #2 and do2 operation moves to #1
The selection in the tree-view moves to do2. 
Result in the class diagram:
Nothing happens to the order

If you select do3 and press the "move up" button
Properties window:
The d3 operation moves to #2 and do2 operation moves to #3
The d3 jumps to #1, all the others move a step downwards.
Result in the class diagram:
d3 jumps to the first place.

As you can well imagine. This creates difficulties when you try to add an operation to a existing diagram and trying to maintain order.

Thanks for the great software. I use it almost every day!
Comment 1 Oliver Kellogg 2005-04-04 06:41:13 UTC
CVS commit by okellogg: 

Fix changing of order of operations in the class diagram.

  M +1 -1      ChangeLog   1.73
  M +3 -1      umbrello/class.cpp   1.57
  M +3 -1      umbrello/class.h   1.41
  M +7 -2      umbrello/classifier.cpp   1.72
  M +6 -2      umbrello/classifier.h   1.52
  M +3 -1      umbrello/entity.cpp   1.3
  M +3 -1      umbrello/entity.h   1.3
  M +3 -1      umbrello/enum.cpp   1.21
  M +3 -1      umbrello/enum.h   1.17
  M +35 -97    umbrello/dialogs/classifierlistpage.cpp   1.26
  M +12 -16    umbrello/dialogs/classifierlistpage.h   1.8
Comment 2 Oliver Kellogg 2005-04-04 20:14:27 UTC
*** Bug 102543 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 Alex de Kruijff 2005-05-25 21:02:13 UTC
I have the latest code in the FreeBSD system. It still has the same version number (1.4). The bug is similair but different. Moving a method up works correct, but moving it down realy messes up the order. Not sure if i should file a new bug report for this.
Comment 4 Alex de Kruijff 2005-05-25 21:53:18 UTC
Sorry I didn't observe this bug correctly. It seems it is the exact same bug.
Comment 5 Oliver Kellogg 2005-05-25 22:47:16 UTC
See previous comment:

> ------- Additional Comment #1 From Oliver Kellogg 2005-04-04 06:41 -------  
> CVS commit by okellogg: 
> Fix changing of order of operations in the class diagram. 
> BUG:103123 

I.e. fix was on April 4 but 1.4 was released before that.
Please use svn HEAD or wait a few days for 1.4.1.