Bug 102902 - Add graphical measurement tool
Summary: Add graphical measurement tool
Alias: None
Product: kst
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 1.x
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kst
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Reported: 2005-03-31 03:09 UTC by Maksim Orlovich
Modified: 2005-04-18 19:26 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Maksim Orlovich 2005-03-31 03:09:21 UTC
Version:           1.1.0_devel (using KDE 3.3.2, compiled sources)
Compiler:          gcc version 3.4.1 (Mandrakelinux 10.1 3.4.1-4mdk)
OS:                Linux (i686) release 2.6.9


In my use of Kst it would be very helpful if it were possible to interactively measure 
the distance (e.g. change in X, change in Y), between two points, by placing some sort of vertical cursors. This would help getting a (rough) estimate on the period/magnitude of major features in the curve...

Thanks for the great app. Long measurement experiments are a lot more enjoyable if one can watch the partial results in real time.
Comment 1 Maksim Orlovich 2005-03-31 03:13:08 UTC
...hmm, may be bugzy should not auto-confirm wishes from general developer accounts..
Comment 2 Andrew Walker 2005-04-13 03:08:05 UTC
Added ability to define a cursor position within a plot by hitting the 'C' button (Hit SHIFT+'C" to remove the cursor). Once a cursor is set the status bar will show the offset from the cursor position to the current mouse position. This functionality also works in data mode.

Do we want to add an item to the context menu for this?
Comment 3 Matthew Truch 2005-04-14 02:52:57 UTC
I think that the offset should also be indicated when you are in datamode (from the cursor to the datamode marker) in addition to being able to place the cursor while in datamode.  
Comment 4 Andrew Walker 2005-04-14 05:56:23 UTC
CVS commit by arwalker: 

Make cursor offset reporting work for datamode also.

CCMAIL: 102902@bugs.kde.org

  M +40 -5     kst2dplot.cpp   1.394
  M +1 -1      kst2dplot.h   1.154
Comment 5 Andrew Walker 2005-04-18 19:26:32 UTC
No more comments so mark this one as fixed.

Description should be added to the user's manual.