Version: (using KDE Devel) Installed from: Compiled sources Compiler: gcc 3.3.4 OS: Linux Just a heads-up more so than anything. DBUS 0.31 and HAL 0.5.0 were just released today and the APIs changed. The media:/ ioslave won't compile against these versions, obviously.
*** Bug 101275 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 101779 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I've tried to patch media:/ slave. Seemed that changes are simple: "lib" prefix in function names and additional error parameters. So I have prepared an ugly patch. It does compile now, but does not work. kded is throwing a lot of messages like this: 8647: arguments to dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block() were incorrect, assertion "connection != NULL" failed in file dbus-connection.c line 2728. This is normally a bug in some application using the D-BUS library. 8647: assertion failed "(error) == NULL || dbus_error_is_set ((error))" file "dbus-bus.c" line 854 function send_no_return_values I guess this means that dbus-031 has broken qt bindings...
If I remember correctly you have some work in progress for this one.
CVS commit by lodewyck: - The halbackend now compiles against libhal-storage 0.5. Backward compatibility with libhal-storage 0.4 is preserved for the time being. This does not solve the dbus-qt bindings 0.31 problem. - Complete Coolo's patch about kded crashing. CCBUG:101075 M +1 -11 1.72 M +9 -0 media/ 1.8 M +72 -57 media/kdedmodule/halbackend.cpp 1.9 M +51 -1 media/kdedmodule/halbackend.h 1.2
CVS commit by lodewyck: Updated the media kioslave HALBackend to the libhal API version 0.5 The HALBackend now works with HAL 0.5 / DBus 0.31, though this port is still experimental. Compatibility with HAL 0.4.x / DBus 0.23 is preserved for the time being, at least until HAL 0.6 is released. CCBUG:101075 M +32 -32 1.9 M +77 -20 kdedmodule/halbackend.cpp 1.10 M +21 -2 kdedmodule/halbackend.h 1.3
halbackend.cpp should really have dbus_error_init (&error); on line 112 or so. It causes assert errors and falls back on the fstab backend otherwise.
CVS commit by lodewyck: Added a missing dbus_error_init CCBUG:101075 M +1 -0 halbackend.cpp 1.11 --- kdebase/kioslave/media/kdedmodule/halbackend.cpp #1.10:1.11 @@ -109,4 +109,5 @@ bool HALBackend::InitHal() kdDebug() << "Main loop integration" << endl; DBusError error; + dbus_error_init(&error); DBusConnection *dbus_connection = dbus_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SYSTEM, &error); if (dbus_error_is_set(&error))
Just wanted to report that media:/ works now nicely. Thanks! To make media:/ be notified about mounting I had to enable the call to libhal_device_property_watch_all in HALBackend::InitHal(). Only then when I added: const char* mediumUdi = findMediumUdiFromUdi(udi); if (!mediumUdi) return; ResetProperties(mediumUdi); in HALBackend::ModifyDevice media:/ icons reflect changing mount state.
*** Bug 104767 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Any progress on this? I tried patches myself but I always get "mediamanager not running" and no output on console when trying to start it :( Any way to debug this? Recompiling with debug enabled does not produce any output either :(
The patches seem to work here, but I cannot mount anything and the fallback-style fstab device management disappears completely, which I don't remember being the correct behavior.
*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***
Is there any progress with this patch? I have been trying to get KDE 3.4.2 to work with the new versions of hal/dbus without success so far.
KDE 3.4.2 will not be updated to use HAL 0.5. Please try KDE 3.5 beta 1, which should come out later this week.
Well, it compiles against dbus 0.6x and hal 0.5.x for a while now. Time to mark this report as resolved.