Bug 101006 - Will not save files when comparing 'by folder'
Summary: Will not save files when comparing 'by folder'
Alias: None
Product: kompare
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 3.3
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Kompare developers
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Reported: 2005-03-07 01:08 UTC by Luther
Modified: 2009-03-11 00:46 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Luther 2005-03-07 01:08:20 UTC
Version:           3.3 (using KDE 3.3.2,  (3.1))
Compiler:          gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-8)
OS:                Linux (i686) release 2.6.9

When run as root user and comparing by folder and after applying differences to destination files, Kompare "pretends" to save files, but doesn't actually do anything.

When reviewing each changed file, the "save" button is active on files that have changes pending.  Inactive on files without changes pending.  This is as expected.

Saving each individual file does not work, nor does "save all" from either the buttons or the File Menu.

Kompare will not exit unless the user selects "discard all changes" or does a Ctrl-Alt-Esc.

I have seen this work as long as you only compare single files not directories.
Comment 1 Otto Bruggeman 2005-03-27 00:02:50 UTC
This is weird, there are plenty of problems with the save buttons but it should definitely save the file. Can you help me out with some examples where it does not save the file? Just describe the paths. It might be that Kompare does not save the file due to the fact that the destination path is not fully there.
Comment 2 Otto Bruggeman 2005-03-27 00:12:30 UTC
I tried looking into this one but as far as I can tell this does not come from code in Kompare. The damage is already done before by the Qt functions for reading in data from a file in different locales. I'll investigate a bit more when I get back home in Germany (currently celebrating Easter with my parents in the Netherlands).
Comment 3 John Yau 2005-03-28 04:20:13 UTC
I've run across the same problem.  It appears that Kompare creates dirs instead of files for the new files in the destination that result from the merge.
Comment 4 Otto Bruggeman 2005-03-31 00:46:35 UTC
Ugh, my second comment is totally bogus... It was meant for a different bug.
Comment 5 Jeff Snyder 2005-06-06 21:45:40 UTC
This is gonna be a little spammy... I'm reassigning everything that's currently 
assigned to bruggie (who's been the default assignee for bugs since time began) 
to the new list address. 
Bruggie: if you're working on one or more of these atm, please snatch 'em 
Everyone, esp. Joshua and Bruggie: if this genrates 33 mails, my sincere 
Comment 6 Otto Bruggeman 2009-03-11 00:46:20 UTC
Should be fixed for KDE 4.3. Might get back ported to 4.2.2 if some one confirms trunk works for him/her.