Version: (using KDE KDE 3.3.2) Installed from: Debian testing/unstable Packages OS: Linux Received through the Debian BTS as #283958. The timezone for St Louis (USA) is showing up as GMT, which is incorrect. It seems St Louis was recently added to as a result of #56511. The trouble is that, as I understand it, timezone information is calculated by setting $TZ as the timezone name (e.g., America/St_Louis) and using the system timezone functions. The system does not know of a timezone called America/St_Louis, and so GMT is assumed. As I see it, you cannot add any city you like to If the system timezone functions do not know about the city (e.g., it does not appear beneath /usr/share/zoneinfo/), then there is no way that the system can work out what the correct timezone is supposed to be. I would suggest removing St Louis from once more. Thanks - Ben.
This may be a dumb idea, but could we change to file in /usr/share/apps/kworldclock to a slightly different format? One like this # Formal Name Country Province Coordinates Saint Louis US Missouri +383738-0901152 Then using the coordinates kworldclock could deduce the timezone for that area, then with that knowledge determine the time. The upshot to this change would be that we wouldn't be reliant on what is already in /usr/share/zoneinfo, so users could add any location as long as the coordinates are known. Like I said, this idea may be dumb or just naive. So ignore me if it is.
SVN commit 489571 by hindenburg: Update from glibc-2.3.5 (v1.30). Brian Beck: The format of this file is taken from glibc; it would be unwise IMHO to change it. BUG: 97192 M +88 -51
Edited Duplicated the Los_Angeles line. Changed from: US +340308-1181434 America/Los_Angeles Pacific Time to: US +420600-1233500 America/Cave_Jct Pacific Time Shows up on map with GMT time! Tried to add a clock for my location. Changed Timezone in dialog box from "America/Cave Jct" (!!) to "America/Los Angeles", and Caption changed! to match timezone. Bugreport shows this has been fixed, without any details. Plus, this application shows no version number in "About". This is bound to make bug tracking difficult. This bug is not about changing file format, it is about timezone handling, which is clearly broken.