Version: (using KDE KDE 3.1.5) Installed from: Debian testing/unstable Packages OS: Linux (Received through the Debian BTS as #226482, confirmed on my machine.) If only doing Edit Header and then Update, kbabel keeps the save function grayed out. This seems to happen every time, even when update definitely alters the header information. Thanks - Ben.
Hmmm, does not even work in 1.3 (KDE 3.2).
OK. The button there is misleading. It updates the currently shown header according to the automatic header fixing as specified in the preferences - like updating copyright, dates etc.
CVS commit by nanulo: Update misleading button label, add What's this text. CCMAIL: M +7 -1 headereditor.cpp 1.22 --- kdesdk/kbabel/kbabel/headereditor.cpp #1.21:1.22 @@ -47,6 +47,12 @@ HeaderEditor::HeaderEditor(Catalog* cat, connect(_catalog,SIGNAL(signalHeaderChanged()),this,SLOT(updateHeader())); - setButtonText(User1,i18n("&Update")); + setButtonText(User1,i18n("&Apply Settings")); + setButtonWhatsThis (User1, i18n("<qt><p>This button " + "updates the header using the current settings. " + "The resulting header is the one that would be written into the PO file " + "on saving.</p></qt>") ); setButtonText(Default,i18n("&Reset")); + setButtonWhatsThis (Default, i18n("<qt><p>This button " + "will revert all changes made so far.</p></qt>") ); _editor=new HeaderWidget(this,"internal headereditor");