(*** This bug was imported into bugs.kde.org ***) Package: Version: KDE 2.2.2 Severity: normal Installed from: I Don't Know Compiler: Redhat 7.2 Linux OS: Linux OS/Compiler notes: Not Specified I'm new to Linux and playing Asteriods on Redhat Linux 7.2. The game does not have sound it only plays a brief sound when it first launches and when the ship is destroyed. Could someone please get back to me. Thanks Neumun (Submitted via bugs.kde.org) (Called from KBugReport dialog. Fields KDE Version OS Compiler manually changed)
There is no sound when a rock is hit because ploop.wav is missing from the distribution. The issue with no sound is also reported in Debian bug #135632.
I would reccomend to copy KDE_Beep_pop.wav. At least for KDE3.2 release. Objections? Kasteroids is not using the KNotify system, so one would not be able to deactivate it. (Totaly different page of the book) MfG Rainer
I have just discovered Kasteroids and have found that the ship tends to freeze up when the screen get to busy with asteroids and it also has no sound except when the ship gets hit. I am using Ubuntu 6.06
KAsteroids isn't maintained anymore.