Version: unspecified (using KDE 4.6.0) OS: Linux My bank, and a lot of european banks seems to have adopted the mt940 file format, for exporting account information... It would be great that skrooge support it. Because there not providing any other format, except cvs, but that cvs didn't work with skrooge. Reproducible: Didn't try
Hi, I will add mt940 format in Skrooge. But, csv import should work, if it's not the case could you open an incident after checking the settings ? Could you send me (or attach here) an example of mt940 file ?
One more question: What is the extension of a mt940 file ?
Git commit 6d5236a28a0261f7c8aa087932a747e442cca6dc by Stephane Mankowski. Committed on 04/03/2011 at 19:55. Pushed by smankowski into branch 'master'. BUG: 267442: Support for mt940 files M +1 -0 CHANGELOG M +1 -0 skgbankmodeler/CMakeLists.txt M +25 -21 skgbankmodeler/skgaccountobject.cpp M +10 -2 skgbankmodeler/skgimportexportmanager.cpp M +8 -1 skgbankmodeler/skgimportexportmanager.h M +3 -0 skgbankmodelertest/CMakeLists.txt M +2 -1 skrooge_importexport/skgimportexportplugin.cpp
Git commit 6a1a76a481cfe2f1ea05b905bc8773afed4a1a33 by Stephane Mankowski. Committed on 04/03/2011 at 20:08. Pushed by smankowski into branch 'master'. BUG: 267442: Support for mt940 files A +220 -0 skgbankmodeler/skgimportmt940.cpp [License: GPL (v2+)] A +50 -0 skgbankmodeler/skgimportmt940.h [License: GPL (v2+)] A +145 -0 skgbankmodelertest/skgtestimportmt940.cpp [License: GPL (v2+)] A +17 -0 tests/input/skgtestimportmt940/267442_1.mt940 [License: UNKNOWN] * A +28 -0 tests/input/skgtestimportmt940/267442_2.mt940 [License: UNKNOWN] * A +8 -0 tests/input/skgtestimportmt940/341076.mt940 [License: UNKNOWN] * A +23 -0 tests/input/skgtestimportmt940/583501.mt940 [License: UNKNOWN] * A +29 -0 tests/input/skgtestimportmt940/test1.mt940 [License: UNKNOWN] * A +98 -0 tests/scripts/ [License: UNKNOWN] * A +13 -0 tests/scripts/ [License: UNKNOWN] * The files marked with a * at the end have a non valid license. Please read: and use the headers which are listed at that page.
Thank you for thant implementation. Do I need to build/install it from git, or are packaging it soon in the ppa ?
I will try to publish a new beta version in my ppa today or tomorrow.