Version: (using KDE KDE 3.5.5) Installed from: SuSE RPMs And they should be. However! I think there are settings and settings :-) When for example verification should be remembered, period, the copies is another thing -- imho, this option should be remembered only by burning, but not by saving (settings). Reason: it is highly unlikely the user burns 5 copies each time she/he runs k3b, but it is very likeley if I burn iso file in two copies, and after the burning is finished, I try to burn another iso file -- it also will be burned in two copies.
Now were exactly are the settings not stored? When saving the project? When closing the burn dialog? When choosing to store new user defaults? Please, please describe the problem in more detail so I don't have to spent hours to find what you are talking about.
Sorry Sebastian. Burn ISO (2 copies) -> burning (finished) -> burn another ISO (dialog -> 1 copy). I tested saving settings for later usage just before first burning, but it makes no difference.
SVN commit 630454 by trueg: Save and load the number of copies. BUG: 141091 M +5 -0 misc/k3bcdimagewritingdialog.cpp M +3 -0 misc/k3bisoimagewritingdialog.cpp M +3 -0 projects/k3bprojectburndialog.cpp --- trunk/extragear/multimedia/k3b/src/misc/k3bcdimagewritingdialog.cpp #630453:630454 @@ -920,6 +920,8 @@ m_checkCacheImage->setChecked( !c->readBoolEntry("on_the_fly", true ) ); m_dataModeWidget->loadConfig(c); + + m_spinCopies->setValue( c->readNumEntry( "copies", 1 ) ); m_checkVerify->setChecked( c->readBoolEntry( "verify_data", false ) ); @@ -966,6 +968,8 @@ c->writePathEntry( "image path", imagePath() ); + c->writeEntry( "copies", m_spinCopies->value() ); + QString imageType; if( m_comboImageType->currentItem() == 0 ) imageType = "auto"; @@ -1004,6 +1008,7 @@ m_checkCacheImage->setChecked( false ); m_dataModeWidget->setDataMode( K3b::DATA_MODE_AUTO ); m_comboImageType->setCurrentItem(0); + m_spinCopies->setValue( 1 ); slotToggleAll(); } --- trunk/extragear/multimedia/k3b/src/misc/k3bisoimagewritingdialog.cpp #630453:630454 @@ -519,6 +519,7 @@ m_writingModeWidget->loadConfig( c ); m_checkDummy->setChecked( c->readBoolEntry("simulate", false ) ); m_checkVerify->setChecked( c->readBoolEntry( "verify_data", false ) ); + m_spinCopies->setValue( c->readNumEntry( "copies", 1 ) ); m_writerSelectionWidget->loadConfig( c ); @@ -535,6 +536,7 @@ m_writingModeWidget->saveConfig( c ), c->writeEntry( "simulate", m_checkDummy->isChecked() ); c->writeEntry( "verify_data", m_checkVerify->isChecked() ); + c->writeEntry( "copies", m_spinCopies->value() ); m_writerSelectionWidget->saveConfig( c ); @@ -548,6 +550,7 @@ m_writingModeWidget->setWritingMode( K3b::WRITING_MODE_AUTO ); m_checkDummy->setChecked( false ); m_checkVerify->setChecked( false ); + m_spinCopies->setValue( 1 ); } --- trunk/extragear/multimedia/k3b/src/projects/k3bprojectburndialog.cpp #630453:630454 @@ -373,6 +373,7 @@ c->writeEntry( "on_the_fly", !m_checkCacheImage->isChecked() ); c->writeEntry( "remove_image", m_checkRemoveBufferFiles->isChecked() ); c->writeEntry( "only_create_image", m_checkOnlyCreateImage->isChecked() ); + c->writeEntry( "copies", m_spinCopies->value() ); m_tempDirSelectionWidget->saveConfig( c ); m_writerSelectionWidget->saveConfig( c ); @@ -386,6 +387,7 @@ m_checkCacheImage->setChecked( !c->readBoolEntry( "on_the_fly", true ) ); m_checkRemoveBufferFiles->setChecked( c->readBoolEntry( "remove_image", true ) ); m_checkOnlyCreateImage->setChecked( c->readBoolEntry( "only_create_image", false ) ); + m_spinCopies->setValue( c->readNumEntry( "copies", 1 ) ); m_tempDirSelectionWidget->readConfig( c ); m_writerSelectionWidget->loadConfig( c ); @@ -400,6 +402,7 @@ m_checkCacheImage->setChecked( false ); m_checkRemoveBufferFiles->setChecked( true ); m_checkOnlyCreateImage->setChecked( false ); + m_spinCopies->setValue( 1 ); if( m_tempDirSelectionWidget->selectionMode() == K3bTempDirSelectionWidget::DIR ) m_tempDirSelectionWidget->setTempPath( K3b::defaultTempPath() );
Sebastian, with those changes would it possible to remember the copies "on-fly" (as I pointed out in the report)?
No, they are now handled like all other settings, too. And for 1.0 this won't change. After 1.0 we are again free to do all sorts of stuff.