Bug 60005

Summary: debug versions of libraries
Product: [Applications] kdevelop Reporter: Sphere <sphere1952>
Component: generalAssignee: KDevelop Developers <kdevelop-devel>
Severity: wishlist    
Priority: NOR    
Version: git master   
Target Milestone: ---   
Platform: Compiled Sources   
OS: Linux   
Latest Commit: Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:

Description Sphere 2003-06-18 19:33:40 UTC
Version:            (using KDE Devel)
Installed from:    Compiled sources

I can hear the groans now...

Gideon needs it's own tree of the normal libraries built with debug symbols and an easy way to add less standard ones to the tree.  It's more than a little annoying to create your first project from the wizard and have it wander off into nowhere when you try to figure out just what is complaining about not being able to load a library.  (The "out-of-the-box" behaviour of both old and new kdevelop versions is a separate bug, but basically you should be able to install on a new system and not do anything in order to build and walk through a wizard created project.)

P.S.  When I'm in user mode I'm an obnoxious SOB.
Comment 1 Amilcar do Carmo Lucas 2003-06-19 10:41:41 UTC
Let me get this straigt, what you want is: 
When you install KDevelop, automaticaly recompile _ALL_ libraries of your 
entire system so that when you debug a piece of code you made (and uses a 
couple of system libraries) and the debugger finds all symbols? 
Is that what you want? 
Comment 2 Sphere 2003-06-19 11:58:47 UTC
Subject: Re:  debug versions of libraries

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas wrote:

>------- You are receiving this mail because: -------
>You reported the bug, or are watching the reporter.
>a.lucas@tu-bs.de changed:
>           What    |Removed                     |Added
>            Version|unspecified                 |CVS
>------- Additional Comments From a.lucas@tu-bs.de  2003-06-19 10:41 -------
>Let me get this straigt, what you want is: 
>When you install KDevelop, automaticaly recompile _ALL_ libraries of your 
>entire system so that when you debug a piece of code you made (and uses a 
>couple of system libraries) and the debugger finds all symbols? 
>Is that what you want?
I'd want that as an option.  Of course, the libraries would have to be 
in their
own lib trees so as to not bring the system to a crawl.  It would be 
better to
just have all the symbols in a separate database, but I don't think unix
works that way.

What I want is to be able to walk into any piece of code the application
uses while in the debugger.  If there's some other way of doing this
that would be fine.


Comment 3 Amilcar do Carmo Lucas 2003-06-19 14:48:20 UTC
I hope you understand that AFAIK you need to recompile your entire system with -g3.
That includes Kernel, XFree, QT, KDE and so on .....

And you want all that by cliking an option?
Comment 4 Sphere 2003-06-19 15:26:26 UTC
(Why am I only getting some messages in my mailbox?  I'm not on 
any of your mailing lists yet; which might be why.  Anyway, knowing 
that someone asked me a question is a bit hard to determine...) 
Microsloth releases a browser database for their MFC with the 
IDE.  Debugging chokes if you try to enter the kernel, but you 
can go a lot deeper with VC++ can you can here. 
Rebuilding on clicking an option had better do the work in batch.  ;) 
As far as debugging into the kernel, I doubt unix is smart enough 
to handle doing that correctly.  I've only ever used one operating 
system smart enough to actually give you a virtual machine. 
Comment 5 Thiago Macieira 2003-06-19 18:43:18 UTC
You cannot debug into kernel mode unless the kernel allows you to. No sane 
kernel allows a normal debug operation to do that -- especially because that 
would halt the kernel itself. 
As for debugging into the system libraries, the solution is quite simple: rebuild 
them yourself with debugging symbols. KDevelop cannot possibly contain the 
debugging symbols for the libraries that are already installed in your system -- 
only you or your distributor can. Of course, debugging into those libraries requires 
having their source code installed as well, but if you've rebuilt them, it's not a 
I sincerely hope we've misunderstood your request and that you're not asking for 
KDevelop to include the source code and debugging versions of all system 
libraries. One does not have to debug into printf(3) or open(2) to know what they 
Comment 6 Harald Fernengel 2003-06-19 19:03:04 UTC
You can keep a bunch of debug libraries in a special dir and adjust the LD path to point to 
them for debugging. You can use rpath for example, to force linking to those. 
Anyways, this is on OS/Build system level, please bug the people who thought of that way, 
KDevelop is an IDE and supports any build system. 
Comment 7 Sphere 2003-06-19 21:44:36 UTC
Subject: Re:  debug versions of libraries

Harald Fernengel wrote:

>------- You are receiving this mail because: -------
>You reported the bug, or are watching the reporter.
>harry@kdevelop.org changed:
>           What    |Removed                     |Added
>             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |RESOLVED
>         Resolution|                            |INVALID
>------- Additional Comments From harry@kdevelop.org  2003-06-19 19:03 -------
>You can keep a bunch of debug libraries in a special dir and adjust the LD path to point to 
>them for debugging. You can use rpath for example, to force linking to those. 
>Anyways, this is on OS/Build system level, please bug the people who thought of that way, 
>KDevelop is an IDE and supports any build system.
I doubt that.

Comment 8 Sphere 2003-06-20 14:40:27 UTC
Subject: Re:  debug versions of libraries

Thiago Macieira wrote:

>------- You are receiving this mail because: -------
>You reported the bug, or are watching the reporter.
>------- Additional Comments From thiagom@mail.com  2003-06-19 18:43 -------
>You cannot debug into kernel mode unless the kernel allows you to. No sane 
>kernel allows a normal debug operation to do that -- especially because that 
>would halt the kernel itself. 

A sane kernel would keep itself completely protected in its' own virtual
machine you couldn't get at and would present you with a virtual machine
which looked like you had complete freedom to do what you wanted.  All
the real kernel would do is context switching. mapping of virtual hardware
to real hardware, and provide some narrow form of message passing between
virtual machines in order to allow bootstrapping and hardware allocation.
 (Yes, I've used an OS which worked that way.  It was a great system for
writing standalone code on.  You could write the code in a timeshared
environment and actually have it work when you ported it to an empty
machine.  Yes, you could bring up an instance of the OS in a virtual machine
and it would think it had a real machine to run on -- if a bit slowly, 
and usually
with fewer devices.)

Comment 9 Hamish Rodda 2003-06-20 15:53:19 UTC
What you are seaching for is called User Mode Linux, and can be found here: 
http://user-mode-linux.sourceforge.net/  I'm not sure why you want to debug 
into the kernel though, unless you were writing kernel-level code or code 
directly accessing kernel space. 
As to the creating debug versions of libraries, check out 
http://women.kde.org/projects/coding/kde2+3.phtml - this should give you an 
idea on how to set up a development environment for qt and kde.  I don't 
understand the logic of trying to develop your application on a production 
system/environment to start with. 
As you will discover the more you look around, linux has an excellent array of 
debugging tools available; one I particularly recommend is valgrind 
Comment 10 Sphere 2003-06-20 18:01:58 UTC
Subject: Re:  debug versions of libraries

Hamish Rodda wrote:

>What you are seaching for is called User Mode Linux, and can be found here: 
>http://user-mode-linux.sourceforge.net/  I'm not sure why you want to debug 
>into the kernel though, unless you were writing kernel-level code or code 
>directly accessing kernel space. 

Neat!  I may look into that someday if I ever have a real
need.  Thanks.

>As to the creating debug versions of libraries, check out 
>http://women.kde.org/projects/coding/kde2+3.phtml - this should give you an 
>idea on how to set up a development environment for qt and kde.  I don't 
>understand the logic of trying to develop your application on a production 
>system/environment to start with. 

The logic is being in the field and having no other choice.

I'll put women.kde.org on my TODO list.

>As you will discover the more you look around, linux has an excellent array of 
>debugging tools available; one I particularly recommend is valgrind 
It has a large array, but not an excellent one.

I don't like anything else about Windoze, but I do like VC++.
That's your competition.  If you can't beat it then moving
Windoze programmers to Linux will continue to be pulling
teeth.  If you can beat it then Windoze will die within
five years.  There are limits to management's (and even the
customers') control over the matter.
