Bug 296358

Summary: add activity dialog - often wallpaper second page initially shown
Product: [Unmaintained] Active Reporter: Fania Bremmer <fania.bremmer>
Component: Contour activity screenAssignee: Marco Martin <notmart>
Severity: wishlist CC: active, groot, ivan.cukic, lamarque, thomas.pfeiffer
Priority: NOR    
Version: PA 2   
Target Milestone: unscheduled   
Platform: Meego/Harmattan   
OS: Linux   
Latest Commit: Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:

Description Fania Bremmer 2012-03-19 13:38:59 UTC
On: 2012-03-19-10-07-basyskom-plasma-active-devel-meego-usb-live.iso 

- in the "add activity" dialog it often starts with the second page of wallpapers initially shown, instead of seeing the first page

- tap plus button in activity switcher
- see already the second page of wallpapers shown, instead of starting always with the first page
Comment 1 Lamarque V. Souza 2012-03-19 13:48:35 UTC
I noticed this last week. Actually it shows the page where the current wallpaper came from.
Comment 2 Marco Martin 2012-03-19 13:55:30 UTC
if behaves how i think is intended.

basically a random wallpaper is chosen by default on activity creation. that was agreed a while back to try as hard as possible to have different wallpapers for each activity (it would most of the times be left as default otherwise)
Comment 3 Fania Bremmer 2012-03-27 16:29:54 UTC
I think not the random wallpaper is the problem, but that sometimes the dialog opens with the second wallpaper page opened. To avoid confusion to the user and display the "add activity" dialog always in the same layout to keep consistency, I propose to take random wallpapers, but display always the first page of wallpapers initially.
Comment 4 Ivan Čukić 2012-03-27 16:37:44 UTC
If I understood Marco correctly, the wallpaper is random, the dialogue shows the page in which the currently chosen wallpaper is, which sometimes is the second page.
Comment 5 Fania Bremmer 2012-03-27 16:42:55 UTC
I think its not necessary to show in which page the wallpaper normally belongs to.
The goal is to have random wallapers to provide better uniqueness of activitiy thumbnails. That is granted by the current development.
The second goal is to always provide consistent dialogs, so that the user gets used to the creation of new activities. In this step its not necessary to show him the exact page of the wallpaper. If he just taps "create" the default wallpaper is chosen. If he likes another one, he can set another one.
Comment 6 Marco Martin 2012-03-27 20:48:37 UTC
not sure about this.
i think selecting a random wallpaper by default is very important because otherwise they *will* always be the same (no, nobody would bother to chose one)

about not syncing with the current wallpaper that would also look quite broken i think, becuase it would not show what the current one is at all: same holds for activity configuration, that would be the same, not showing the highlighted current one as well, making also a bit more difficult to revert to the old one if another was chosen
Comment 7 Thomas Pfeiffer 2012-12-06 20:45:15 UTC
I assume Fania's idea was to show the wallpaper dialog with no wallpaper preselected and only select a random one if users tap "Create Activity" without selecting a wallpaper.
Another idea could be to put e.g. a frame with a big "?" in it at the first position and preselect that, similar to how many beat 'em up video games visualize "random" during character or stage selection.
Comment 8 Thomas Pfeiffer 2013-02-05 18:42:51 UTC
Starting the dialog somewhere other than the first page still feels awkward. I will change this to wishlist, though.
Comment 9 groot 2020-06-29 08:52:38 UTC
Plasma Active is no longer under development.