Bug 226915

Summary: manually edting task times is a pain in 4.4 (regression ?)
Product: [Applications] ktimetracker Reporter: jamese <james.ellis>
Component: generalAssignee: Thorsten Staerk <dev>
Severity: normal CC: agnez.flugunfaehiger.seevogel, astrand, hoffmann, jacob, kubry, lars.scheiter, nick, reinhold, ricardo, richv, schlecht, wade.dyck
Priority: NOR    
Version: unspecified   
Target Milestone: ---   
Platform: Ubuntu   
OS: Linux   
Latest Commit: Version Fixed In: 4.7
Sentry Crash Report:
Attachments: Package for (K)Ubuntu 10.04 i386
The files inside /usr/local/lib/ktimetracker, for ktimetracker_4.3.5-hacked_i386.deb
Ktimetracker 4.3.5 package for (K)Ubuntu 10.04 i386
"Ktimetracker 4.3.5 package for (K)Ubuntu 10.04 i386" needs those files inside /usr/local/lib/ktimetracker, for example
"Ktimetracker 4.3.5 package for (K)Ubuntu 10.04 i386" needs those files inside /usr/local/bin
Instructions to have the ktimetracker 4.3 version working
Instructions to have the ktimetracker 4.3 version working

Description jamese 2010-02-15 01:18:38 UTC
Version:           4.4 (using KDE 4.4.0)
OS:                Linux
Installed from:    Ubuntu Packages

In Ktimetracker, released with KDE4.4, the interface for adding and editing tasks has been changed to remove the ability to manually add/subtract a certain amount of time from a task.

The interface that replaces this via "Edit Times" gives a complete list of tasks in the current calendar file - meaning you have to scroll through the list trying to find your task (and it may be named the same as another task).
To edit the time, you then have to click on the "StartTime" and "EndTime" field, editing a fiddly calendar widget (which is not obvious in itself).

* Ctrl+Alt+N to create a new task item
* Enter task name
* Click Edit Times and you will see a list of all tasks in the current file

* "Edit Times" should just show the times for the current task, when editing a task item
* It should also allow you to +/- the current time as the interface in KDE4.3 allowed. Rather than having to select a calendar start and end time.

* Click Edit Times, search for task in the list (it helps to sort by the "Task" table header) - and your task may not be there. If it is edit the StartTime and EndTime by double clicking the relavent fields.

For instance, if I'm on the phone for an hour to a client I just need the ability to quickly create a task with a 1hr time spent. I don't really care about the StartTime and EndTime fields in that case.

Please bring back the previous "Edit Times" interface with the  +/- buttons!
Comment 1 Thorsten Staerk 2010-02-16 10:38:15 UTC
I did this because all times are now aggregated from the events. However I understand you want this for usability reasons.
Comment 2 rubberglove 2010-02-16 16:31:53 UTC
I agree that this was a very useful feature, and I miss it quite a lot. 

Often, I don't remember to start timing a task (or even more often, I don't expect to spend more than a few minutes on it), so having a quick mechanism to add time to a given task after the fact is important.
Comment 3 Thorsten Staerk 2010-02-24 23:19:38 UTC
*** Bug 228366 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 Peter Astrand 2010-02-28 13:04:34 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> I did this because all times are now aggregated from the events. 

This is not the first time your changes are removing existing and very useful functionality. For example, bug 196133 is still open. Why don't you realize that you are making a lot of people disappointed and angry? Where I work, basically everybody has stopped using ktimetracker, except me. I'm still using it not because I like it, but because the alternatives are not very good either. But now when you can't even edit task times, ktimetracker won't work at all for me. Please stop breaking a useful application. This is bad maintainership.
Comment 5 wade.dyck 2010-03-04 19:28:38 UTC
This change has made the application unusable for me, and I'll have to find an alternative.
Comment 6 Nick 2010-03-05 15:22:19 UTC
You have to realize that there are two different ways of tracking time:
1) recording events (like ics is doing, and ktt 4.4 now tries), with blocks of <start time, end time> pairs.
2) total time spent, regardless of when it actually occurred.

(2) is an extremely common use case. If I spend time on something, and know it was about an hour, but do not know when exactly I started, I'm not going to invent a timeslot to put it in--that's just too much effort (and a lie).

I suggest, that to handle both cases, you add an internal "tare" to each item, that is simply an accumulator to handle (2). It simply gets added on to the total time summed from all the (1) events.

I really don't see why supporting (1) is even necessary for the purpose that ktt fulfills. Supporting (1) as far as inputing data, sure, but once it's in ktt, it isn't used that way anymore--it's just accumulating time.

Do a lot of ktt users actually want to export their time spent broken down by events?
Comment 7 Thorsten Staerk 2010-03-07 12:24:21 UTC
OK, I changed the edit task dialog for a reason. And that was that it can now be much easier be edited within qtcreator. However it became uglier and that is a regression. I apologize. The bug report is valid and it is not a "wish", but a "bug", to be concrete, a "regression".

I am working on it, here is a preliminary fix:

Index: taskview.cpp                             
--- taskview.cpp        (revision 1097013)                         
+++ taskview.cpp        (working copy)                             
@@ -945,14 +945,11 @@                                              
         task->setName(taskName, d->mStorage);                     
         // update session time as well if the time was changed    
-        long total, session, totalDiff, sessionDiff;              
-        total = totalDiff = session = sessionDiff = 0;            
-        DesktopList desktopList;                                  
-        dialog->status(&desktopList);                             
+        if (!dialog->timeChange().isEmpty())                      
+        {                                                         
+            task->changeTime(dialog->timeChange().toInt(),d->mStorage);
+        }                                                              
-        if ( totalDiff != 0 || sessionDiff != 0)                       
-            task->changeTimes( sessionDiff, totalDiff, d->mStorage );  
         // If all available desktops are checked, disable auto tracking,
         // since it makes no sense to track for every desktop.          
         if (desktopList.size() == _desktopTracker->desktopCount())      
Index: task.cpp                                                          
--- task.cpp    (revision 1097013)                                       
+++ task.cpp    (working copy)                                           
@@ -292,11 +292,6 @@                                                     
     mDesktops = desktopList;                                            
-void Task::changeTime( long minutes, timetrackerstorage* storage )      
-    changeTimes( minutes, minutes, storage);                            
 QString Task::addTime( long minutes )                                   
     kDebug(5970) << "Entering function";                                
@@ -393,6 +388,11 @@                                                     
     kDebug(5970) << "Leaving function";                                 
+void Task::changeTime( long minutes, timetrackerstorage* storage )      
+    changeTimes( minutes, minutes, storage);                            
 void Task::changeTotalTimes( long minutesSession, long minutes )        
Index: edittaskdialog.cpp                                                
--- edittaskdialog.cpp  (revision 1097013)                               
+++ edittaskdialog.cpp  (working copy)                                   
@@ -66,6 +66,11 @@                                                       
     return m_ui->tasknamelineedit->text();                              
+QString EditTaskDialog::timeChange()                                    
+    return m_ui->letimechange->text();                                  
 void EditTaskDialog::setTask( const QString &name )                     
     m_ui->tasknamelineedit->setText( name );                            
Index: edittaskdialog.ui                                                 
--- edittaskdialog.ui   (revision 1097013)                               
+++ edittaskdialog.ui   (working copy)                                   
@@ -16,13 +16,25 @@                                                      
   <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout">                        
    <item row="0" column="0">                                            
     <widget class="QLabel" name="tasknamelabel">                        
+     <property name="sizePolicy">                                       
+      <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Preferred">              
+       <horstretch>0</horstretch>                                       
+       <verstretch>0</verstretch>                                       
+      </sizepolicy>                                                     
+     </property>                                                        
      <property name="text">                                             
       <string>Task Name:</string>                                       
-   <item row="0" column="1">                                            
+   <item row="0" column="1" colspan="2">                                
     <widget class="QLineEdit" name="tasknamelineedit">                  
+     <property name="sizePolicy">                                       
+      <sizepolicy hsizetype="Expanding" vsizetype="Fixed">              
+       <horstretch>0</horstretch>                                       
+       <verstretch>0</verstretch>                                       
+      </sizepolicy>                                                     
+     </property>                                                        
      <property name="whatsThis">                                        
       <string>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd&quot;&gt;
 &lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;        
@@ -33,7 +45,46 @@                                                                                                                     
+   <item row="1" column="0" colspan="3">                                                                                              
+    <widget class="QPushButton" name="edittimespushbutton">                                                                           
+     <property name="sizePolicy">                                                                                                     
+      <sizepolicy hsizetype="Expanding" vsizetype="Fixed">                                                                            
+       <horstretch>0</horstretch>                                                                                                     
+       <verstretch>0</verstretch>                                                                                                     
+      </sizepolicy>                                                                                                                   
+     </property>                                                                                                                      
+     <property name="whatsThis">                                                                                                      
+      <string>To change this task's time, you have to edit its event history.</string>                                                
+     </property>                                                                                                                      
+     <property name="text">                                                                                                           
+      <string>Edit Times</string>                                                                                                     
+     </property>                                                                                                                      
+    </widget>                                                                                                                         
+   </item>                                                                                                                            
    <item row="2" column="0" colspan="2">                                                                                              
+    <widget class="QLabel" name="label">                                                                                              
+     <property name="sizePolicy">                                                                                                     
+      <sizepolicy hsizetype="Expanding" vsizetype="Preferred">                                                                        
+       <horstretch>0</horstretch>                                                                                                     
+       <verstretch>0</verstretch>                                                                                                     
+      </sizepolicy>                                                                                                                   
+     </property>                                                                                                                      
+     <property name="text">                                                                                                           
+      <string>Change time (in minutes, e.g. -60)</string>                                                                             
+     </property>                                                                                                                      
+    </widget>                                                                                                                         
+   </item>                                                                                                                            
+   <item row="2" column="2">                                                                                                          
+    <widget class="QLineEdit" name="letimechange">                                                                                    
+     <property name="sizePolicy">                                                                                                     
+      <sizepolicy hsizetype="Expanding" vsizetype="Fixed">                                                                            
+       <horstretch>0</horstretch>                                                                                                     
+       <verstretch>0</verstretch>                                                                                                     
+      </sizepolicy>                                                                                                                   
+     </property>                                                                                                                      
+    </widget>                                                                                                                         
+   </item>                                                                                                                            
+   <item row="3" column="0" colspan="3">                                                                                              
     <widget class="QGroupBox" name="autotrackinggroupbox">                                                                            
      <property name="title">                                                                                                          
       <string>Auto Tracking</string>                                                                                                  
@@ -47,7 +98,7 @@                                                                                                                      
      <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_2"/>                                                                                
-   <item row="3" column="0" colspan="2">                                                                                              
+   <item row="4" column="0" colspan="2">                                                                                              
     <widget class="QDialogButtonBox" name="buttonBox">                                                                                
      <property name="orientation">                                                                                                    
@@ -57,16 +108,6 @@                                                                                                                    
-   <item row="1" column="1">                                                                                                          
-    <widget class="QPushButton" name="edittimespushbutton">                                                                           
-     <property name="whatsThis">                                                                                                      
-      <string>To change this task's time, you have to edit its event history.</string>                                                
-     </property>                                                                                                                      
-     <property name="text">                                                                                                           
-      <string>Edit Times</string>                                                                                                     
-     </property>                                                                                                                      
-    </widget>                                                                                                                         
-   </item>                                                                                                                            
Index: edittaskdialog.h                                                                                                                
--- edittaskdialog.h    (revision 1097013)                                                                                             
+++ edittaskdialog.h    (working copy)
@@ -10,6 +10,19 @@
     class EditTaskDialog;

+ * Class to show a dialog in ktimetracker to enter data about a task.
+ *
+ * Holds task name and auto-tracking virtual desktops.
+ *
+ * Typically this class will be called by a taskview object to enter a new task
+ * or to edit an existing task. After quitting, you can read out task name and all
+ * properties till you delete the object.
+ *
+ * @short Class to show a dialog to enter data about a task
+ * @author Thorsten Staerk
+ */
 class EditTaskDialog : public QDialog
@@ -17,6 +30,7 @@
     EditTaskDialog( TaskView *parent, const QString &caption, DesktopList* desktopList = 0 );
     QString taskName();
+    QString timeChange();
     void setTask( const QString &name );
     void status( DesktopList *desktopList) const;
Comment 8 Thorsten Staerk 2010-03-07 13:32:18 UTC
SVN commit 1100380 by tstaerk:

I18N:Re-adding a field to manipulate a task's time relatively.

 M  +5 -0      edittaskdialog.cpp  
 M  +14 -0     edittaskdialog.h  
 M  +53 -12    edittaskdialog.ui  
 M  +5 -5      task.cpp  
 M  +4 -7      taskview.cpp  

WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=1100380
Comment 9 Bodo 2010-05-07 22:59:26 UTC
*** Bug 236776 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 10 Ganton 2010-05-14 11:48:25 UTC
Created attachment 43570 [details]
Package for (K)Ubuntu 10.04 i386

I remark: try to follow the instructions and make this package yourself instead of installing what someone uploaded to internet.
Comment 11 Ganton 2010-05-14 11:50:35 UTC
Created attachment 43571 [details]
The files inside /usr/local/lib/ktimetracker, for ktimetracker_4.3.5-hacked_i386.deb

I remark: try to follow the instructions and obtain this files yourself instead of installing what someone uploaded to internet.
Comment 12 Ganton 2010-05-14 11:51:27 UTC
I was blocked, severily limited with ktimetracker without those capabilities of the 4.3 version, no alternative program had what ktimetracker had and trying to compile the svn version returned some hard errors... so finally I did some hacks in my Kubuntu 10.04 i386 to have the ktimetracker 4.3 version working. Note that I'm not a (K)Ubuntu expert or a package expert, some of you are, so you will do it in a better way, please comment it to make people's life somewhat better.

I remark that those steps were made in a Kubuntu 10.04 for i386, your mileage may vary. 

I executed
    sudo apt-get remove ktimetracker
to make sure I had not the new ktimetracker version installed.

    mkdir /tmp/prior_ktimetracker
    cd /tmp/prior_ktimetracker
    wget http://yu.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/k/kdepim/ktimetracker_4.3.5-0ubuntu1~karmic1_i386.deb
    ar x ktimetracker_4.3.5-0ubuntu1~karmic1_i386.deb
    mkdir control
    cd control
    tar -xvf ../control.tar.gz
    kate control
and in the opened Kate window, I replaced the text "libkdepim4 (=" with "libkdepim4 (>=", saved the file and closed Kate. I kept on executing:
    tar -cvzf control.tar.gz control md5sums
    cp -pr control.tar.gz ..
    cd ..
    ar -r ktimetracker_4.3.5-hacked_i386.deb debian-binary control.tar.gz data.tar.lzma
and so I had a packaged named "ktimetracker_4.3.5-hacked_i386.deb" that I could use in the future (but reading this text first), so I saved it to my "home" folder executing
    cp ktimetracker_4.3.5-hacked_i386.deb ~

Note: those simplified steps generated a package that was ok for the use I was going to give it, but it was not a perfect package (for example, I had not updated the md5sums).

    sudo dpkg -iEGB ~/ktimetracker_4.3.5-hacked_i386.deb
to install the package, but it still lacked libraries. If I executed
I obtained this error: "ktimetracker: symbol lookup error: ktimetracker: undefined symbol: _ZN4KPIM14PimApplicationC1Ev".

So I executed:
    mkdir /tmp/prior_libkdepim
    cd /tmp/prior_libkdepim
    wget http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/k/kdepim/libkdepim4_4.3.5-0ubuntu1~karmic1_i386.deb
to download a file that contained the old libkdepim libraries.

    dpkg -x libkdepim4_4.3.5-0ubuntu1~karmic1_i386.deb .
    cd usr
    cd lib

    sudo mkdir /usr/local/lib/ktimetracker
    sudo cp -pr libkdepim.so.4 /usr/local/lib/ktimetracker
    sudo cp -pr libkdepim.so.4.3.0 /usr/local/lib/ktimetracker

    sudo bash -c 'echo -e "#!/bin/bash \n\n# We want the libkdepim.so.4.3.0 library only available to this version of ktimetracker, so we are not going to use ldconfig \nexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/ktimetracker \n/usr/bin/ktimetracker"  > /usr/local/bin/ktime.sh'

    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ktime.sh
    sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/ktime.sh /usr/local/bin/ktime

And then I clicked with the secondary button of the mouse on the K menu icon, edited the menu "Applications > Utilities" and changed the "ktimetracker" so that it executed the "ktime" command instead of the "ktimetracker" one. 

I tried to launch ktimetracker and seemed to work well (although not some translated strings without much importance).

    cd /
    rm -rf /tmp/prior_libkdepim /tmp/prior_ktimetracker

But in this situation, If I updated the system... it would update the ktimetracker program! So I executed:
   echo "ktimetracker hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections
to put the ktimetracker package 'on hold' so that the system did not "update" it.

Of course, I cannot be made responsible of what happens if you follow this steps :-), they seemed to work ok for me.

                     * * *

Ok, Ok, I have attach "ktimetracker_4.3.5-hacked_i386.deb" for (K)Ubuntu 10.04 i386 and the files inside /usr/local/lib/ktimetracker but try to do it yourself instead of installing what someone uploaded to internet.
Comment 13 Ganton 2010-05-14 11:55:38 UTC
Created attachment 43572 [details]
Ktimetracker 4.3.5 package for (K)Ubuntu 10.04 i386

I remark: try to follow the instructions and make this package yourself instead
of installing what someone uploaded to internet.
Comment 14 Ganton 2010-05-14 11:58:08 UTC
Created attachment 43573 [details]
"Ktimetracker 4.3.5 package for (K)Ubuntu 10.04 i386" needs those files inside /usr/local/lib/ktimetracker, for example

I remark: try to follow the instructions and obtain this files yourself instead
of installing what someone uploaded to internet.
Comment 15 Ganton 2010-05-14 12:07:57 UTC
Created attachment 43574 [details]
"Ktimetracker 4.3.5 package for (K)Ubuntu 10.04 i386" needs those files inside /usr/local/bin

I remark: try to follow the instructions and make this file yourself instead
of installing what someone uploaded to internet.
Comment 16 Ganton 2010-06-04 18:04:12 UTC
I found that "holding" a package went well in the command line but that if you used the Kpackagekit of Kubuntu 10.04... the package was not hold; if you used this program you can visit https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kpackagekit/+bug/581886?comments=all
Comment 17 Ganton 2010-06-04 18:05:40 UTC
I found that "holding" a package went well in the command line but that if you used the Kpackagekit of Kubuntu 10.04... the package was not hold; if you used this program you could visit https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kpackagekit/+bug/581886?comments=all
Comment 18 Dirk Hoffmann 2010-06-08 15:15:42 UTC
I am sorry, but this bug has been reported about four months ago now.

Is there really no possibility to provide a better version than recipes for hacks and patches?

It sheds a bad light on the product, indeed.

My system updated KDE automatically on May 28th:
    Updated      kdepim-6:4.4.2-1.fc12.i686
    Update              6:4.4.3-1.fc12.1.i686
Was there really no possibility to bring the correction patch back with this official update?
Comment 19 agnez 2010-06-09 20:43:25 UTC
same here,I need this function back, please! 
hope fixing is coming soon..
Comment 20 Reinhold Kainhofer 2010-07-21 20:57:52 UTC
I'd need this, too. When I'm working on a particular task, I'm often away from the computer, and often it's hard to allocate a particular time where I worked on it (i.e. five minutes there, five minutes there, etc.). Often, I can only guess the total time for a day, and I'd like to add that time to the tasks.
Comment 21 richv 2010-09-21 23:50:11 UTC
Thanks, Antonio, for the help! I've followed the steps you outlined in Comment #12 and it works great. I'm running Kubuntu Lucid Lynx right now. 

Tstaerk, will ktimetracker be useable once again when Maverick comes out?
Comment 22 Ricardo Graça 2010-11-03 16:47:03 UTC
It's been almost 8 months since this bug was introduced. Will it ever be fixed without having to resort to hacking and patching files?
Comment 23 Ganton 2010-11-18 17:01:42 UTC
Created attachment 53524 [details]
Instructions to have the ktimetracker 4.3 version working

Meanwhile this is solved...

For Kubuntu 10.10 I've repeated the steps told in the comment #12 and it worked well. 

I just had to be careful because this http://bugs.kde.org reporting system... breaks the long lines into several ones. That is nice for normal text, but inserting "carriage returns" in lines of code... brings problems, so I copied the instructions in the attached file. As the attached file is free of the problem of the "carriage returns", it's better to follow it instead of the comment #12.
Comment 24 Ganton 2010-11-18 17:12:22 UTC
Created attachment 53525 [details]
Instructions to have the ktimetracker 4.3 version working

I've updated the "Instructions to have the ktimetracker 4.3 version working" attached file.
Comment 25 Ricardo Graça 2010-11-19 11:44:48 UTC
With the latest update to KTimeTRacker it's now possible to add and remove a certain amount of minutes to each task very easily. Shouldn't this be marked as solved?
Comment 26 Nick 2010-11-19 17:32:01 UTC
No. I'm using 4.4.5 (4.4.7 ebuild) and the functionality is not present.
Until the functionality is restored in upstream (no patching necessary), it is not resolved.
Comment 27 Dirk Hoffmann 2010-11-24 21:11:21 UTC
(In reply to comment #26)
> No. I'm using 4.4.5 (4.4.7 ebuild) and the functionality is not present.
> Until the functionality is restored in upstream (no patching necessary), it is
> not resolved.

I completely agree. This is not about what can be done, but about what has been done for the end user. What is presently preventing the patch from going to the next official release?
Comment 28 Ricardo Graça 2010-11-25 11:47:06 UTC
(In reply to comment #27)
> I completely agree. This is not about what can be done, but about what has been
> done for the end user. What is presently preventing the patch from going to the
> next official release?

I'm and end-user. I haven't patched anything. It's fixed in 4.5.3, at least on openSUSE. Is the 4.4 branch still receiving updates? If the problem is in the changes made in the 4.5 branch being back-ported or not to 4.4 then this bug remains open, but in the current 4.5.3 version this is already fixed.
Comment 29 Reinhold Kainhofer 2010-11-25 12:17:48 UTC
In (K)Ubuntu it's apparently not fixed in version 4.5.3, so maybe openSUSE is manually including that patch?
Comment 30 Jörg Afflerbach 2010-11-25 13:24:36 UTC
I don't think so. I'm using openSUSE 11.3 and the bug is still there. 

$ ktimetracker --version
Qt: 4.7.1
KDE: 4.5.3 (KDE 4.5.3)
KDE-Zeitplaner: 4.4.5

Ricardo, can you give more details?
Comment 31 Ricardo Graça 2010-11-25 15:28:53 UTC
I got the updated KTimeTracker from the KDE:Distro:Factory repository. Since this repository is what is going to be in the next stable version (11.4), I'm pretty sure this will be solved on the next openSUSE official release. I don't know about Ubuntu though. More info on the repo here: http://en.opensuse.org/KDE_repositories#Factory_.28KDE_SC_4.5.29. I can understand the decision to not mark this as solved since it's still not easily available.

That is pretty strange since those are also the exact versions I got from ktimetracker --version, although in YaST the version appears as 4.4.7-245.3.

Indeed, after some investigation, this seems to be an openSUSE only patch as indicated by this Build Service request: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/52645. I really hope this makes it upstream soon though, so others can benefit from it.
Comment 32 Thorsten Staerk 2011-09-29 10:02:27 UTC
Ok, this is fixed. 

Please find the next task edit dialog here: 
- if you look at the mouse cursor, that is where you can add/subtract time.

The patch is described at http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=1100380