Kurt Pfeifle
2007-01-13 05:43:58 UTC
Above, replace "KDE 3.5.5 or 3.5.6 (should it ever happen)" by "KDE 3.5.6 or 3.5.7 (should it ever happen)" :-) and here is the first one who would like to participate at least with testing your first script or maybe even help to improve it :) Cause it seems the mail CC to didn't come through for whatever reason (btw, it never worked for me too and even in a commit does not work here), I copy+paste the mail I got from Kurt here cause I guess it may useful for others to read it too; -------------------- Well, what I have in mind is not so much a single script, but more a complete set of scriptlets and utilities (as well as howtos and tips+tricks snippets and "best practices" articles). Since I only "speak" Bash (and that not even completely), it will be started on that level. Some of the better stuff may later even be ported to other levels. Some of the ideas may sooner or later be turned into C++/Qt code to go into KDEPrint proper. The first one I'll tackle is my idea of a "CUPS Cloning"-script. Hmmm, maybe it is not cloning so much... it will be grabbing the current CUPS sources from their SVN, building them and start them as a separate instance (in user space) on a different port such as 23631. It will serve to test interoperability between CUPS-stable and CUPS-SVN and can be used as counterpart to test current KDEPrint code against. People will be able to test a lot of functionality without even owning or having access to a real physical printer. A few debugging tools will come with it: the ability to take a copy of the print file on each level of the CUPS processing + filtering stages: how it arrives, what it looks like after pstops has done its work, etc. It will have a more sophisticated PDF-printing backend than the simplistic KDEPrint print-to-file printer, so that people can better look at some of the results (n-up printing, image quaility, etc.) The idea is to then extract from every bug report that is not just a simple mis-configuration a little reproducible test case & script that can first be used to help debug the problem, and by later be at turned into regression test. Also, all major KDE applications and developers should get a set of tests to perform for their printing needs. I don't know how much of this can be automated, but I think a good part of it can be... (see for example what I did with one bug report I processed last night: plus attachements). Take KWord for example: from the bugzilla entries (and my own ex- perience with it) I can clearly see that there are re-curring problems seen by users (font rendering on screen, font represen- tations on paper, font embedding, custome page sizes for export to PDF and for printing to paper). These observations could be transformed into a set of test cases: "Here's the test file; these are the fonts you need to have installed on your system; these are the settings to be used to get optimal PDF export (printout) and here's a script that you have to run to see the result; and if it finds a problem, it will report it to you." Or: "To test a new font, use these 3 template files (KWord, OpenOffice, Scribus); activate the font for them; make screenshots and export to PDF; compare the 3 results." Similar test for KSpread, Krita, Karbon, $whatnot... I guess a lot of these can make good use of Kross also. Right now I'm working on the "Setup An SVN CUPS Server on port 23631" script. And on the "Show Me A Better Matching Print Preview" one (just a working "proof of concept"). I'll let you know any progress. So, basicly there are 2 cases; 1. Test KDEPrint itself which is independend of the applications that are using it. This is IM(H)O the most important part since if something here does not work all KDE applications are affected. 2. Concret content an application likes to print. Such tests need to be done for each major application. I would see here a minor priority since I don't really believe that e.g. printing in KWord could break such often. Also KWord 2.0 comes already with testcases that test internals like the text+layout stuff. So, what I would suggest is, to take one application and implement tests for it to be sure things like layout, fonts, forms and whatever else e.g. a PDF is able to contain got tested. I see there 2 good candidates: KWord and KHTML. Both of them are rich "layout apps" and are able to produce complex enough content to test various cases that could break. Why it should be quit possible to control both of them (dbus? kross? javascript? or just (k|q)unittest's?) an alternate may to write a small app that does nothing more then to produce some output that goes through KPrinter. The advantage of the later one would be, that such a "testapp" could then test explicit the cases and would be propably smaller + easier to maintain. The advantage to take an already existing app would be, that the app itself then has as result a good unittest for printing plus it may possible to reuse already existing stuff like the KHTML regression-suite or the KWord/OpenDoc unittests. Created attachment 19280 [details]
Konqui window split into 4 parts; left: connected to localhost:23631 (running an SVN instance of CUPS), right: connected to localhost:631 (running distro-shipped CUPS 1.1.23)
Here's a screenshot. Konquueror window is split into 4 parts
* left: connected to localhost:23631 (running an SVN instance of CUPS),
--> top: front page of current SVN version of CUPS (r6197)
--> bottom: the "/printers" location with a few printers
* right: connected to localhost:631 (running distro-shipped CUPS 1.1.23)
--> top: front page again (the distro-provided installation)
--> bottom: the "/printers" location of this "old" instance
OK, so now I have my first additional CUPS instance running here. :-) I've implemented its creation by adding an "include Makefile.cupsclone" into the main Makefile. So you can compile CUPS as you would normally do. But you have more options now: "make [tab] [tab]" now shows my additional build targets. You can run "make cups_clone", "make_printers_clone" and "make cups_clone_start". Heh... And it works pretty well once it is up. make cups_clone copies all required files into a separate subdir-tree in the user's home, and symlinks for the rest which point to the build directory. So every time the build directory is updated, the running clone also has new bleeding edge binaries at its disposal (if the cupsd binary itself got rebuilt, it will of course only run if the old one is stopped or killed and the new one started up). If you wan to de-couple the new instance from the build directory (to safeguard yourself against b0rken updates), just copy the whole clone-tree to a third place, and use the --dereference ("follow symlinks") switch for the cp command. The more I play with it, the more I'm convinced it could be a really useful tool for everyone who is interested to look a bit deeper into all the un-loved printing stuff (not just limited to KDEPrint). It surely is not yet release-able for now. 1. The Bash code is horrible and uncommented. "Horrible" will probably never change, but some comments I can add for sure. 2. And it also needs at least a README which outlines the most important steps and procedures to follow and the envrionment to set up when someone seriously wants to test applications against a CUPS server that runs on a non-standard port such as 23631. 3. And last, I need to test the hack at least once on a virgin system. You *always* find issues when you "install" your own software for the first time on a completely different system. I cobbled this together in half a day. But of course, the initial "make cupsclone" had a few things missing which I only discovered when trying to run the new instance from its own clone tree. So I copied them over manually, and updated the Makefile accordingly -- but I may have missed stuff. So this required cleansing and testing will still take some time. I also need to put it into some version control system (at least locally, for me), so I have it "organized" every time I can work on it. (I doubt there would be many people wanting to contribute on this particular thingie, but we'll see). OK, a first beginning of the work intended to deal with this bug is now to be seen (and tested) here: Created attachment 19528 [details]
KWord file using a single TrueType font
This KWord file uses only 1 font face, a TrueType font. It is 'Bitstream Vera
Serif' at different font sizes, colors and variants of bold, regular and
Created attachment 19529 [details]
KWord file using a single TrueType font
This KWord file uses only 1 font face, a TrueType font. It is 'Bitstream Vera
Serif' at different font sizes, colors and variants of bold, regular and
Created attachment 19530 [details]
pdf file
This KWord file uses only 1 font face, a TrueType font. It is 'Bitstream Vera
Serif' at different font sizes, colors and variants of bold, regular and
Created attachment 19531 [details] first PDF generated from attachment 19530 [details] Created attachment 19532 [details] second PDF generated from attachment 19530 [details] If was up, I'd even blog about the riddle I've posed here. I *think* I've found a general way to overcome some of the KWord/Qt weaknesses in handling printing and PDF-generating of documents that contain TrueType fonts.... But I need more testing, and I need at least 5 different testers running different versions of Linux, *BSD and/or KDE before I really publish my current solution. (This solution works for me as good as it possibly can, but it also has a few drawbacks and catches....) Created attachment 19536 [details] first PDF generated from attachment 19530 [details] Created attachment 19537 [details] second PDF generated from attachment 19530 [details] Created attachment 19542 [details] first PDF generated from attachment 19530 [details] sorry for uploading the wrong times repeatedly (either I was an idiot, or bugzilla's "obsolete this attachment, and take that new one instead"-feature does not work as I imagined...) Created attachment 19543 [details] second PDF generated from attachment 19530 [details] sorry for uploading the wrong times repeatedly (either I was an idiot, or bugzilla's "obsolete this attachment, and take that new one instead"-feature does not work as I imagined...) Created attachment 19545 [details]
This document was created with KWord. It uses 6 different font families (with
standard, italic, bold and bold+italic settings), all of which ship as part of
the Ghostscript font package. These fonts are PostScript fonts, mapping to the
respective original Adobe fonts (as listed in the file itself).
I want volunteers to test the following (and report back to me in email):
* does your KWord find all these fonts on your system (if not, does it help to
re-install the ghostscript font package)?
* does your KWord recognize all the 'bold', 'italic', etc. typeface settings
its menubar buttons (plese click into each of the respective strings)?
* do you see the same "no-show" of features for URW Gothic and Nimbus Mono as
I described on the bottom of the first page?
* if you print this file to PDF via kprinter, do you see the same set of
fontnames embedded in the PDF (the "weird" name prefixes do not matter)?
(I also want to compare the results when loading this .odt file into OOoWriter
and Abiword, but I've not yet done so myself for lack of time. Any feedback on
these kind of tests I'd also appreciate very much!)
Created attachment 19548 [details] PDF version of attachment 19549 [details] . Please use this PDF to check if your KWord (and maybe OOoWriter + Abiword) does display it the same way on screen. * Does the alignment of the columns match? Or are the tabs messed up? * Does the page break happen at the same spot? Or is that messed up? Thanks. . Created attachment 19549 [details] kword-ghostscriptfonts-embedding-testdocument.odt This version obsoletes the one from attachment 19545 [details]. (It is slightly modified to make usage of tabs and spaces more consistent.) Comment on attachment 19545 [details] kword-ghostscriptfonts-embedding-testdocument.odt This is now obsolete. Replaced by attachment 19549 [details]. Created attachment 19550 [details] PDF version of attachment 19549 [details] This time the *real* PDF (instead of PostScript) Created attachment 19551 [details] PDF version of attachment 19549 [details] . (Is it even possible to mistakenly upload *that* often PostScript files instead of PDFs?!? !This time I did it in 2 separate steps: first obsoleted the old file attachment, then confirmed its status, third opening a new tab for upload the real PDF file... *sigh*) Comment on attachment 19530 [details]
pdf file
While this file says
about itself in the first line that it is a PDF, in reality this one is the KWord soure file to create the two PDFs. The KWord file is using a single TrueType font only ('Bitstream Vera Serif') at different font sizes, colors and variants of bold, regular and italic.
KDEPrint is obsolete, unmaintained and will never be revived. Closing all open bugs. |