Bug 116646

Summary: The 'Fill-In Tags Using MusicBrainz' button doesn't seem to work although I know the information is in MusicBrainz
Product: [Applications] amarok Reporter: sten.malmlund
Component: generalAssignee: Amarok Developers <amarok-bugs-dist>
Severity: normal CC: orthonovum, rob
Priority: NOR    
Version: 1.3.1   
Target Milestone: ---   
Platform: unspecified   
OS: Linux   
Latest Commit: Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:

Description sten.malmlund 2005-11-18 18:56:34 UTC
Version:           1.3.1 (using KDE 3.4.2 Level "b" , SUSE 10.0)
Compiler:          Target: i586-suse-linux
OS:                Linux (i686) release 2.6.13-15-default

The 'Fill-In Tags Using MusicBrainz' button doesn't seem to work although I know the information is in MusicBrainz. When I push the button nothing happens and this is eberytime I've tried. This is the first version of Amarok I've used.
Comment 1 Mark Kretschmann 2005-11-18 19:06:51 UTC
You need to have libtunepimp with the appropriate modules installed for the media you use. Many distros rip mp3 support out of the library, for legal versions. That's probably why it doesn't work.

Btw: You should upgrade your amaroK. 1.3.1 is quite outdated and buggy.

Comment 2 sten.malmlund 2005-11-18 20:36:25 UTC
Hello and thank you for your answer!

I have libtunepimp installed and I can rip mp3's. The MusicBrainz lookup 
still didn't work in amarok version 1.3.1 .
I upgraded to version suse 10.0 anarok 1.3.6 from guru. Stil don't work.

With regards,

Sten Malmlund                     http://www.helsinki.fi/~malmlund
3. linja 1 C 55                   sten.malmlund(at)pp.htv.fi
00530 HELSINKI                    sten.malmlund(at)helsinki.fi
FINLAND                           +358-(0)50-535 9826

Mark Kretschmann wrote:

[bugs.kde.org quoted mail]
Comment 3 Alexandre Oliveira 2006-04-20 02:12:20 UTC
*** Bug 125821 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 Rob Hughes 2006-06-07 16:38:12 UTC
If this was resolved, 1.4a has allowed a regression. I can run trm -i <mp3 file> and get the proper results from musicbrainz, but clicking the "fill in tags ..." button just hangs again. I've compiled amarok from the sf sources and libtunepimp from musicbrainz without the --enable--lgpl during configure. Running amarok from the command line, then going to that dialog produces:

amarok: [void TagDialog::musicbrainzQuery()]
amarok: [virtual void KTRMLookup::unrecognized()] /data/Music/Hendrix Band of Gypsies/01 - Who Knows.mp3

So apparently, communications between amarok and musicbrainz is broken to the point that the dialog just spins until the cancel is pressed.
Comment 5 Rob Hughes 2006-06-07 16:39:20 UTC
I should also mention that I don't use a proxy.
Comment 6 wef 2006-06-22 17:02:07 UTC
Yes, please reopen this bug. I also compiled musicbrainz and tunepimp from source on Suse 10.1 and it doesn't work.

trm -i music.mp3 and trm -i music.ogg works fine.
Comment 7 Rob Hughes 2006-06-22 18:00:42 UTC
I played with this some more and found that if you compile amarock against tunepimp 0.4.2, amarok fails to fill in the tags. Compiling against 0.3.0 works.
Comment 8 Francesco Locunto 2006-07-07 08:45:56 UTC
I can confirm this bug on Suse 10.1, with
Amarok 1.4.1 Beta, libtunepimp 0.4.2 and libmusicbrainz 2.1.2
Comment 9 Chris Peikert 2006-07-27 06:27:36 UTC
Any progress on this bug?  1.4 definitely has regressed, and this is a pretty big feature that is missing.  Sounds like it could just be due to an API change in libtunepimp, which wouldn't be that hard to fix?
Comment 10 Kevin Range 2006-08-16 17:54:58 UTC
I have the same problem.  

Suse 9.3
Amarok 1.4.1
libtumepimp 0.3.0
libmusicbrainz 2.1.1

I my case, if I open amarok, I can use muscibrainz to tag just fine.  But if a song is playing, and I try to tag it or a different one, amarok freezes with the message (in the console):

amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ThreadWeaver::Thread::run()
amarok:   BEGIN: virtual bool ScanController::doJob()
amarok:     BEGIN: SqliteConnection::SqliteConnection(const SqliteConfig*)
amarok:     END__: SqliteConnection::SqliteConnection(const SqliteConfig*) - Took 0.00069s
amarok:   END__: virtual bool ScanController::doJob() - Took 0.00078s
amarok:   [CollectionDB] JobFinishedEvent from Incremental ScanController received.
amarok:   [ThreadWeaver] Job completed: CollectionScanner. Jobs pending: 0
amarok:   BEGIN: virtual ScanController::~ScanController()
amarok:   END__: virtual ScanController::~ScanController() - Took 8.4e-05s
amarok: END__: virtual void ThreadWeaver::Thread::run() - Took 0.0091s
amarok: [void TagDialog::musicbrainzQuery()]
FATAL: exception not rethrown
Comment 11 Chris Peikert 2006-09-12 06:23:56 UTC
I still have this bug with libtunepimp 0.4.2.  I sure would like to help fix it, because I have a lot of untagged music!

Is there anything I can do to help diagnose this bug?  Comment #4 above seems to indicate what the problem is... might this be easily fixable?
Comment 12 Chris Peikert 2006-09-13 08:10:23 UTC
This bug may be the result of a bug in libtunepimp 0.4.2.  I've noticed that tp_tagger doesn't work properly either, so this probably isn't an amarok bug.

See this Debian bug report, with patch:

Comment 13 Chris Peikert 2006-09-13 19:32:21 UTC
The fix to libtunepimp fixed my tp_tagger program (before, it would just hang forever when trying to lookup tags, just like amarok).  I can't yet verify that amarok is fixed, but I'd bet 100-to-1 that it is.

In summary: this is almost certainly a libtunepimp bug, not an amarok bug.
Comment 14 Philipp W 2006-09-23 17:50:46 UTC
I have the same problem.

running trm in bash gives me:
Supported file extensions: .flac .ogg .wav

I am using ubuntu, how can I add .mp3 support?